Alright, I don't want to step on anyone's toes (literally the jesters are boots), but they need to be reigned in.
Now how do we do that? They are a great PvE tool, and to take away their effectiveness in that area to balance them for PvP would not be fair
First lets address the biggest problem I have with them: lack of Line-Of-Sight to trigger it.
You can disable the radar of those that don't even know you were there in the first place.
And this would maaaybee be okay if the range on these things wasn't so far.
So there's two ways to go about correcting this. The first would be to reduce the range, however that would effect PvE too greatly, and we want to shy away from that.
The second (and the one I think should be implemented) is to add Light-Of-Sight to the ability. If you see the person, and you are within range, they get disoriented and lose their radar.
Now before you go all "They would be useless then!" lets buff em in other areas.
So if they only work with Line-Of-Sight, how about we increase the disorientation, I'm talking "A ship just appeared in the Rusted Lands" level of disorientation (D1 reference). And if possible how about the disorientation can go through walls, but not take away your radar? Cause then even though you just wall hacked this guy or girl's view, he or she can still tell which direction you're about to spring out from.
I personally believe these boots should be used to disengage from a fight not to start one, and going about with these changes will still allow for an advantage when used to engage, but less of one then completely removing your enemy's radar.
Thanks for reading!
sorry as you will see you will not find the player base willing to discuss nerfing items in a game that has been ruined by nerfing every aspect of the game in hopes of some magical balance utopia that doesn't exist.