This is a mode i really enjoyed in D1. Will we ever get to see this in D2? Is this something that is being looked at? Considered? On the table or will this mode be forgotten to the wild?
Will we ever get to choose our game mode in PvP? i dont like Supremacy and or Rumble. THey simply are not my type of games. I dont mind Rumble every once in a while, but not something i wanna play over and over. Will you implement the system of old which you have proven with Iron Banner Control, Crimson Doubles Clash and Mayhem is well within your capability? Or will you deprive your community even more?
As someone who still plays PvP, please consider allowing us to pick our own game mode.
With the use of the infinite Forest, please bring back ALL D1 PvP maps for us to enjoy. Though the curse of Osiris DLC sucked pretty bad, the Infinite Forest and the Vex Engine powering it can be the miracle we all need. the Burning Shrine being brought back as Burnout is one example as is the map from Venus.
Finally please let us know about SParrow Racing. I enjoyed this and would like to enjoy it again. Any news or updates on these?
Hopefully, this gets traction and noticed.
I am pretty sure combined arms was the least played mode in d1. If they are going to bring that back it will need a lot of changes