I reported someone for saying some vogue words after a match we lost and it was a report but instead of helping, why was it taken down for harrasment, when other people do it all the time and sometimes a lot worse and nothing happens to them, I mean why, I was just having a bad day and this person txted in game chat some things that put me down and make my day very depressing , pls tell me bungle why the victim is punished for asking for help with someone who ruined his day by very hurtful words. Why just why, can u pls tell me, I reported him on the forums because let’s be honest the report system in game is not that good plus I wanted to show evidence and last time I check there were no forums to report people, Bungie can u pls respond to this
If you have any questions regarding forum moderation please feel free to message [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/GroupMembers?groupId=121]any ninja[/url].
Hurtful words? You’re a Snowflake.
Code of Conduct. Read it.
Hell i mute people on here and suddenly they're back visibly posting. This site is turning into a joke.
Im ashamed of everyone here who is saying this is "forum rules" or its the "code of conduct". A policy for the sake of being a policy is NOT the way to do business. The occurrence of people lying and posting fake narratives when Naming players is rare. If these fake name shaming posts occur then those instances should be investigated and those players punished accordingly. There is nothing wrong with people coming to the forums and posting the PSN, XBOX, or PC screen name of an individual who has done something wrong. Thats actually the best way to bring to light on how someone is behaving so that other community members will know who they are playing with. The OP posts about someone who was cyber bullying him or sending derogatory comments and you want to censor this bungie? You should conduct an investigation and attach a posts that confirms or denies the accusation and action taken. This will act as a deterrent of similar behavior. You should take responsibility to make the internet world including your game a healthy environment. Creating a policy that censors or prohibits people of publicly naming valid instances of abuse is unethical. You also have many unneeded forum categories and could dedicate one for reporting abuse and investigating those rare occurrences. Hire some ninjas to do the job or extend their scopes.
[quote]I reported someone for saying some vogue words after a match we lost and it was a report but instead of helping, why was it taken down for harrasment, when other people do it all the time and sometimes a lot worse and nothing happens to them, I mean why, I was just having a bad day and this person txted in game chat some things that put me down and make my day very depressing , pls tell me bungle why the victim is punished for asking for help with someone who ruined his day by very hurtful words. Why just why, can u pls tell me, I reported him on the forums because let’s be honest the report system in game is not that good plus I wanted to show evidence and last time I check there were no forums to report people, Bungie can u pls respond to this[/quote] Does nobody understand that Bungie and Activision no longer give a f*** about the consumer I bought a hard copy off of eBay for $20 cuz there was no way in hell I was giving Bungie $60 plus 20 for the DLC people move on eventually when the Destiny base hits a hundred people playing they'll give up and they'll make a different game and completely scrap Destiny 2 all together play Monster Hunter Dragon Ball fighter play something else besides this game
Words are just so painful sometimes lol
If you were messaged on PSN or Xbox Live, there's nothing Bungie can do about that anyway. Use your console's flagging system to report abusive messages.
Edited by TheArtist: 2/26/2018 4:50:03 PMThis forum won't let you (for legal reasons) "Name and shame" people for doing things you don't like in the game. If you want to report someone's in-game behavior, use the in-game reporting functions. But if you try to bring the matter here to open them up to public ridicule or attack (which is how the mods will see it), you're going to get warned and the post taken down. Its a violation of CoC.
Did you call out the person by name in your post? If so, then that is against forum rules.
Ninjas be like
Did you tettle tale on someone? Lmao