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3/3/2018 2:37:42 AM

What players really want.

So Bungie seems focused on making things simplistic and absolutely totally balanced (well trying anyway) mainly because of PVP. Initially it seemed they wanted Destiny to go down the road of being an MLG competitive shooter. That's not what people are really looking for. I think a lot of Destiny players were looking for D2 to expand on things and want their character to become more powerful over time. If you actually read through posts their are a lot of ideas, suggestions, and focus on RPG elements. I think people would be happy to have Bungie focus on making Destiny more of an RPG game. Some ideas posts I've read focus on things like the lore and how people would like it to be explored in game. They want an actual in game codex. People want expanded subclass nodes with more choices. They want to min/max their stats. They want to see the numbers rather than just a bar. They want armor set bonuses. I just read post that suggested having mini bosses in loss sectors. These bosses would drop specific enemy armor like cabal armor for instance. So you could farm loss sectors and have a cabal armor set for your Titan for example. How cool would that be. I saw another post asking that vortex grenades and rifts actually act like a vortex sucking enemies in and damaging them. Other things include deeper character creator, custom sparrows, a real forge to change weapon stats, a robust mod system, and adding new classes & subclasses. Another common post I see is expanding on locations without removing old ones. They want more unique loot! Basically people want a highly customizable character and they want interesting and unique ways to obtain the loot to customize with. This however would not work well with the current set up of linking PvP and PvE. PvP players would never be OK with so many different variations of weapons and abilities. Because naturally some things would just be dominant in PvP. Also people would complain if some of that loot was hard to obtain and not easily available to everyone. They'd say oh it's so unfair that I don't have that. This that and the other is op and a crutch on and on it'd go. So for the love of god just separate the two modes already! I know it's hard to give in. It's hard to let go of your vision. It's hard to say you know you might be right. But I think such a move would unlock all the potential this game has. Think of all the cool weapons and armor sets you could create. Think of the new subclasses and abilities you could mold. Without the restrictions of PVP the possibilities are endless. Because right now that's what's happening you are voluntarily restricting yourselves. Trying to shoehorn everything into working for both pve and PvP. Well that was a little long. Just some thoughts. Not like it will see the light of day. But I thought I'd try.
#pve #feedback #rpg

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