Welcome to the 3rd Offtopic hunger games! Our tributes, alliances and Bets are ready! The games are about to begin!
And the tributes are off, right off about 8 People’s are running for the cornucopia, the rest have scattered.
Ouch it looks like Mystery monster V2(District7) just got decapitated by DamFamSavage29(District 4) ! BOOM! There’s the cannon. First death of the games folks, they’ll be more to come!
Wolf packs grabbed a sword and back pack, looks like he’s going to head into the forest...Nope! He’s got 3 arrows coming out of his back. I don’t think he’ll survive that BOOM That’s the cannon and with that Spartan UP has taken a kill.
One of the Traps has been triggered near the edge of the forest, A stop cones hamstrings apear to have been cut. He’s dragging himself away right now but one will tell if he survives.
Deatheater 200 is trying to sneak back to the cornucopia, oh but Liam_Gue has seen him. They’re in a battle right now. Deatheater got a good hit on Liam but it only angered him. And Liam hit Deatheater in the throat and kicked him into the lake. A pretty new addition to the forums it looks like Liam may have a real chance of winning this thing!
Max Nitro has been stalking KarmicBurner for a while now after KarmicBurner stole a backpack full of supplies form Nitro. And Nitro took him out with a well placed knife to the back.
The Resercher strung up some cheese wire earlier and Texas Jedi just ran right into it trying to get away from Ninjask29 who seems has pushed Givingwort823 off a cliff. That’s the end of alliance 1.
At night the remaining alliances stuck with their partners. And some tributes seem to be lookin for revenge.
Here’s the days deaths
Mystery monster v2
Deatheater 200
Texas Jedi
Giving wort
Remaining Tributes and kills!
District 1
1.Liam_Gue 1 kill
District 2
3.Spartan up 1 kill
4.Romans 43
District 3
6.A Stop cone
District 4
7.DamFamSavage29 1 kill
District 5
10. Sinister Smile
District 6
11.Triumphant 100
12. Max Nitro 1 kill
District 7
14.Ninjask291 1 kill
District 8
District 9
18.The Researcher 1 kill
District 10
All tributes Dead
District 11
21.Big Shaq
District 12
24.Crazy Penguin 15
Bets will be displayed here
[spoiler] Mjolnirschprang has $50 on God from District 1
Wort has his love and compassion on Stop come form District 3!
Agent N157 has bet his soul in god
Barbarian brick has bet 2 chickens and a rubber band on A stop cone
The Grinch has bet all 8 of his mint packets on District 3
Agent Smith has lost $100 on GivingWort823’s death
Cool colizer has bet [quote]$74843473 betted that no one will eon
Kittyoverlord 99 has lost her soul with Deatheater 200’s death [/quote]
CLARIFICATION ABOUT ALLIANCES! An alliance means that your other alliance members won’t kill each other.
Alliances here
Alliance 1
All members dead
Alliance 2 1 kill
Liam_Gue, Triumphant 1000
Alliance 3
Max Nitro and A stop cone
Alliance 4
Spartan up, Romans 43
Alliance 5
Alliance 6
God and big Shaq
Alliance 7
Who know what will happen tomorrow? We had 6 kills today. Rather low for a Blood bath but eventually all but one will fall. We don’t have a clear idea of who’s ahead yet. Public support seems to be towards God from district 1.
Any way hope y’all enjoyed day one. I’ve got a tag now so you guys can see all the posts. Any feed back would be great thanks.
Major throwback haha
Can i bet here? I bet 7 flying ninjas on Triumphant
This is really stupid
Well there goes my soul
I smell a war coming soon......
I think I did pretty good for a fish out of water
HEY!!!! have you not seen my bets!!!!
This will be interesting...
Hmm someone else bet their soul? Well fingers cross for a God victory
God and big Shaq ftw!!!!!
[i] [/i][i] [/i] [spoiler]we are having a hunger games!?!? Can I sponsor some of the teams [/spoiler]
Battle Royale With cheese.
Wow dead already
District 10 with the Big L.
Probably should of known I would get nae naed real quick [spoiler]Wort[/spoiler] [spoiler]Wort[/spoiler]
This finna be a breeze. [spoiler][b]Dunno about the bets.[/b][/spoiler]
Me setting up traps? Traps are gaaaaaay! [spoiler]I'd totally go nuts and just beat the crap outta everyone, not use traps. It's more fun![/spoiler]
This is brilliant, is it too late to place bets now?
My boy Big Shaq is gonna win this thing!
Nice hearty blood bath maybe for next time the people who got to the cornucopia can have a late game advantage?
Of course I die. I rescind my vote for you
Hmm. What do ya think, God?
*flips table*
I fall and die
-blam!- save me![spoiler]stop[/spoiler]
There can only be one!