Do you think about strategies to 3-man Argos? Do you main PvP and want a roster full of other PvP players? Are you just starting out and want to be part of a great clan? Do you want to enrich your Destiny 2 experience in the company of very skilled PvE and PvP players?
Hi there! I'm pacificdune, founder of Abyss. I'm a speedrun raider, but I enjoy every aspect of the game as well as building the Abyss Alliance. What separates Destiny from other games is how collaborative it is, both in PvE and PvP. This is where Abyss comes in…. we aim to serve the collaboration needs of all destiny players from top 500 to the serious casuals looking to improve. In Abyss there is a place for every serious gamer and their friends to be happy, even if they have vastly different objectives and ways of playing the game. Abyss has been recognized by Cozmo in a recent Unite the Clans article, and we are Band partners. We have active members and active fireteams, and even though there is a content draught we are looking to expand, and we are excited about the future of the game.
Regardless if you are an elite PvP player looking to form a solid fireteam, or if you are a hardcore raider or a speedrunner looking for a raid team, or if you bought the game yesterday we have a place for you in the Abyss. All that we ask is that you are active, friendly, and positive about playing the game.
If you want to enjoy Destiny 2 and beyond with a solid foundation of players then respond to this message with a short note telling us what kind of player you are. (Brand new, PvP focus, or PvE focus) I will then review your profile and let you know where you would be a best fit. In the meantime, enjoy our clip of Abyss members destroying Vosik in a single phase… Entering the Abyss will make you stronger... It's up to you now, Guardian…
Still recruiting? Mainly pve oriented player looking to do more raids
Edited by Pez: 5/21/2018 1:43:17 PMHi, just wondering if you are still recruiting, i am uk based very active and a decent pvp and pve player looking to find an active clan as my current clan is very dead and I'm tired of using lfg for trials and raids, I would primarily be running comp pvp.
Sounds good sign me up
just started d2 and looking, LVL 14 at moment and lvlin hard would be nice to.have a clan to.log into
Haven't been active recently, due to Monster Hunter, but I've always been the most active in my now defunct clan. That said, I'm looking for a n active clan that seeks to go after all weekly engrams, including Trials. I'm terrible at it, just want gear from it, but I'd be a major contributor to the PvE side of things. Need a hand fun the Nightfall? I'm there. Need someone that knows what they're doing in the Raid? I'm your guy. Need a reliable sort that always contributes his share of Clan XP to the further the clan? I'm always doin' that. Guess that sounds a lil' selfish, in hindsight... but I have PvE thumbs. XD
Pls add me, level 335 .. All maxed out, just need an active Clan
Edited by Koknbawls: 3/13/2018 7:08:16 PMAre you still recruiting? I'm 28. In the U.S. got 31 normal raids, 1 prestige. 48 prestige nightfalls.
Hi Guys! How can I join? Just started Destiny 2 and on level 12. Living in Europe. Thanks! :)
Hi, could I join the clan? UK based. Wanting to take the game seriously again. Thanks :)
I'm looking for a clan to join to experience more team experiences on D2.
I've been playing Destiny since the first beta came out and I plan to keep playing beyond Destiny 2. I play Destiny on the PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, but mostly on the PS4 Pro. I'm not an elite PvE player, but I'm still pretty good. I play PvE most of the time, but I still like playing PvP (Crucible and Trials) and running the Raids. I hope to become a member of the Abyss Alliance clan soon. Also, I live in the Pacific Time Zone.
Where do I begin hmm lol I joined omynous/abyss asylum back in December 23rd, 2016! I got accepted into omynous from here I was average when I started in omynous pve content only in d1! Never ran sword at crota or doing relic at Templar after a few months in when age of truimp came out for d1 all the raids were 390 light! I practice Templar relic alot and sword as well I got alot better after joining this subclan a couple of months after that I was really good with Templar relic and the sword at crota end and then there was this top tier pve subclans called crysys same clan BTW and the challenge in d1 to get into crysys was to 3man the whole Wrath of the Machine Heroic Mode 390 light with 2 other clan members that aren't in crysys so I ask @nateandpaul and @mrthrill91 and they said they wanted to get into crysys to so we did engine first time, then aksis phase 1 was a bit challenging but we got it after a few wipes and progress and aksis phase 2 the same as aksis phase 1, the entrance was really easy and vosik phase 2 was the hardest part of the whole 3man took us days to get it down to perfection then we tried on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning and we got it on one of those days and we yelled and screamed in happiness because we we're in crysys after killing vosik! What have I done in d1 and in d2 raids well I 3maned the Wrath of the Machine Heroic Mode, 3maned crota end 390 light, 1 phased warpriest 390 light, 1 phased vosik phase 1, vosik phase 2, and aksis phase 2, I was in a fireteam where we killed crota in 1 sword, one plated Calus on normal mode, one phased calus normal mode, 2 plated calus on normal mode, 120x stacks on pleasure gardens normal mode, 5man calus normal mode!SPECIAL THANKS TO THEPURGER855, BOSSHOSS, MPUCHAR, INKED-GAMER, SHEGY, PACIFICDUNE, AKMADDEN77, TREYTEY11, ONEMANGOOFPACK, WHIZKID97, BOBSLAYER, BADGER, PEBO, JORDAN, ROBYN, MR M, SILVERBLUEJEDI, YNYBODY, H, TEKA, OILCAN, CAPPA, RAISTLIN, ATREYU, WHISKEYJACK, HONDAGIRL, ETC.!!! If you want to improve in d2 then this is the clan for you I highly recommend joining if you have trouble finding raids, nightfalls, strikes, crucible, pvp, public events, story mode, new character leveling I highly recommend joining there is always someone that can help you out in anything d2 related if you want to meet/make new friends I highly recommend joining as well! Well I hope all the new members joining us have a awesome experience in this amazing clan K guys! Long live Abyss Asylum, Omynous, Crysys, Oblyvious, Oblyvion! Thanks for the people that made me better at this wonderful game you know who you are! Much love guys! This is all my videos of what I've done in d1 and d2 raids I hope you enjoy and see what you can do to improve like I did alot K guys! Thanks again for reading this long post just wanted to see that you guys could do in this clan! K time to go this is Turbo Steve signing out see you in abyss asylum new clan members! Crysys 1 phase Everything in a raid!:
bump to dune too.
Edited by Duke-_-Will: 3/13/2018 8:39:45 AMHi. Are you guys still actively playing Destiny 2. Where are you based or more important what times do you guys normally play... I am on GMT+2 local time
Bump for visibility.
How does one join
Haven’t been playing often recently due to no clan members being on and doesn’t look like its improving any time soon. Have been playing since mid D1. Play at different times due to working shift work enjoy PVP and PVE but way more fun with clansman that are online and willing to run🤨.
Please let me join!
All of the above. Experienced d1 and d2 player. Looking for a clan that I can actually do everything that makes this game fun. NA, Mountain Time
Don't know why my profile isn't linking.I'll have to get that fixed. In the meantime, I'm looking to play with some people pvp or pve. I have a couple friends that play d2 occasionally but not enough to raid or do trials.
One of the best clans i have joined on Destiny felt very welcomed as soon as i joined their band and when i made events had very helpful and encouraged guardians help me out in my first prestige raid. Def a great group to hang, raid, and chat with
This is definitely the best clan I’ve joined the community is very active, there is always a raid to join or create and with very skilled players that will help you regardless of your level, experience etc. You’ll become a better player if your not already experienced. PvE or pvp there is always something going on with friends you’ll make very easily. Join up guys. Abyss member.
Edited by jkash-: 3/12/2018 9:49:26 PMSeriously, I can't imagine a better group to be a member of than Abyss. The various Abyss Alliance sub-clans are *loaded* with talented players who are eager and ready to join in and help you accomplish whatever Destiny 2 activities you want to go after, i.e., "git good at". Our Event Calendar is *loaded* with all kinds of planned PvE and PvP activities that you can sign up for. Also, you will be hard pressed to find a nicer group of people to game with. Looking forward to seeing you in one of our sub-clans soon!