Note: If your in Europe do step 2 and 3 first ( playstation only ), Note: if your directed to NA West 3 let me know, i will need to direct you to NA West 2
Step 1: Goto url below and choose your console and region , then send a request to join your division
Then continue to step 2
Step 2: after requsting to join division please register by
clicking link -> .. get email , click activate ,
Continue to step 3
Step 3: Fill out app and if u are on Mobil let me know so I can get u your bungie profile url - make sure you click “ I have read and accepted the rules link.
If any problems or questions msg me. It’s as easy as sex ;) just follow the steps. Tell them Penehoff sent ya :)
xAx Admin
xAx Recruiter
xAx Crucible Admin
I want to join if possible