Sorry, I’ve had a shit ton of homework, to make it up to you, I’ve gone all the way up to the very end. The final part will be up Tomorrow(I have it written already)
Welcome Back to the 3rd annual hunger games! It’s day 5 and I’m your host Darth Turtle
Things in the arena have calmed down since the fire, most of the tributes are trying to find resources...
In the fire 2 People died, big Shaq was separated from his partner god and was injured. Let’s check in on him now...BOOM! Is seemed he died of dehydration. God is not going to happy about that. Another day another alliance crumbles. And with Shaq dead District 11 has been completely killed off.
It’s day 6 my guys
For the past 2 days Liam and Triumphant have been been stalking the Researcher. Although I believe that Researcher has figured this out. It looks like Liam is going it with his club arm. But Researcher was ready for him! Liam’s stumbling back he had a stab wound in the shoulder! He jumps back as the The Researcher try’s to slice him. Triumphant bursts out of the trees next to him and with a swift stroke puts his sword through the Researcher chest... Triumphant is trying to help Liam. Oh? The Researcher is getting back up. He pops a pill and begins to shake. He’s pulled Triumphants sword out of his own heart and begins to jab wildly at the two. Liam pushes Triumphant out of the way the sword bites into Liam’s club arm. Researcher pulls it out. He’s looking really tired now the wound in his chest is pumping out blood . He drops the sword going back to his small dagger He kicks out hitting Liam in the left knee. The darts dagger out once more. There’s a Scream! BOOM! Triumphant yells as The Researcher and Liam’s hit the ground. Triumphant grabs Liam and pulls the dagger out of his left eye...
Triumphant is officially the top killer in these games with 3 kills under his belt already.
On the other side of the the arena ninjask29 and sinister Smile are gearing up for a fight. Sinister Smile is wielding a wicked sharp pair of war axes, while Ninjask29 is packing a Flail. Sinister begins to run toward Ninjask29 with his axes raised in a crossed position. Ninjask29 brings his flail back and when sinister gets close he shoots it out. Sinister counters with his war axe the chain wraps around the axes. With a smile Sinister twists the axe cutting the flails chain and disarming Ninjask29. He backs up now weapon less and begins to run when sinister launches his axe at him! It hits Ninjask handle first in the back of the head. Sinister runs over, and picks up his other axe. He forces ninjas onto his knees, sinister crosses his axes on ninjasks throat and pulls! Boom! That’s another death today. Huh it looks like he’s carving something into Ninjasks body. I am coming for you Tri!
Sinister smile has just challenged Triumphant 1000 to a one on one duel! According to tournament rules if he doesn’t show up for a fight in 24 hours the game master must kill both tributes.
It’s day 7 and today’s the day of the big the fight between Triumphant and Sinister smile
Let’s take a look at both tributes. Triumphant is currently the leader in kills however for most of them he had the assistance of Liam. Sinister smile did not for either of his. It really is a toss up.
Both tributes are at the cornucopia. Triumphant has his sword and the cross bow he took for DCTJR. Sinister is using the same axes he killed Ninjask 29 with yesterday. Sinister begins to run toward Triumphant. Triumphant levels the crossbow and fires. With a flock of his wrist Sinister cuts the bolt in half. Triumphant drops the cross bow and pulls out his sword. Sinister strikes out but Triumphant blocks it. The fight rages but neither side is gaining any ground.
What the hell? One of my cameras has gone out...BOOM! DamFamSavage29 is dead? Liam Gue killed him... I’ll have to look into that later because Sinister has landed a blow. After locking Triumphants sword with one axe sinister sliced across his face. Now disarmed Triumphant jumps back. He turns and begins to run. Sinister throws one of his axes, but Triumphant was ready for it. He catches the axe and throws it back towards Sinister. BOOM! Sinister is dead.
Nothing happens day 8
It’s day nine and after an uneventful day 8 we are down to 5 tributes. God and Liam_Gue from district 1 and Max nitro and Triumphant100 from district 6, as well as Romans 43 from district 2.
BOOM! Scratch that 4 tributes , Romans 43 has been killed by God, it seems God stole the cross bow from Liam and Triumphant. And has used it to shoot Romans 43 in the back.
Max nitro is approaching God, it’s seems the two are teaming up to kill Liam and Triumphant. Unfortunately for the new pair. Liam and Triumphant are approaching from the south. Liam is now blind in one eye and wielding a club as a hand. Triumphant looks pained and his shirt is stained red from the wound he was given yesterday. God shushes nitro, he pulls out his Crows bow and aims toward Liam. The crossbow fires and the bolt shoots forward embedding it’s self in Liam’s club hand. Cursing Liam and Triumphant drop the stealthiness and run toward God and Nitro... Well the battles been going on for 15 minutes now and no ones has done damage to the other. BOOM! Liam has hit Nitro in the throat crushing his wind pipe. It’s just down to God now. The pair edge toward God. God begins to stab wilding at Triumphant managing to reopen the wound in his chest, and, slice open his face before Liam cuts off his head. BOOM! And with that we are done to 2 tributes. Both with 3 kills. Liam looks at Triumphant as says “I’m sorry” As both tributes run away from the Glen.
Remaining Tributes and kills!
District 1
1.Liam_Gue 3 kills
District 2
District 3
All Tributes dead
District 4
All dead
District 5
District 6
11.Triumphant 100 3 kill
District 7
Al dead
District 8
All Tributes dead
District 9
All Tributes dead
District 10
All tributes Dead
District 11
All Tributes dead
District 12
All tributes dead
Dead with kills
Spartan up 2 kill
Totallynotsteve 1 kill
Big Shaq 1 kill
The Researcher 1 kill
DamFamSavage29 1 kill
Sinister smile 2 kills
God 1 kills
Maxnitro 2 kills
Bets will be displayed here
[spoiler] Mjolnirschprang has lost $50 on God from District 1
Wort has lost his love and compassion on a Stop come from District 3!
Agent N157 has lost his soul in god
Barbarian brick has lost 2 chickens and a rubber band on A stop cone’s death
The Grinch has lost all 8 of his mint packets on District 3
Agent Smith has lost $100 on GivingWort823’s death
Cool colizer has bet [quote]$74843473 betted that no one will eon
Kittyoverlord 99 has lost her soul with Deatheater 200’s death [/quote]
Deatheater200 has lost his jacket on BigShaq because a mans not hot
Spartan up has lost his dead clothes on romans 43
Fastmanlefast2-7 has bet his life and dinklebot on Triumphant 1000
Runner gunner has bet 7 flying ninjas on Triumphant1000.
Snowy Wolfos has lost 30 chicken nuggets and 6 chicken minis and a frosted coffee on Big Shaq
IAMGOATKNEELB4ME has lost his left kidney on The Researcher.
Kittimu has lost a flying rainbow narwhal on The Researcher.
Hoth has Won! [quote]for the third time, i put a frosted strawberry lemonade/sunrise on romans 43 winning, till God destroys him for adding to the bible[/quote]
CLARIFICATION ABOUT ALLIANCES! An alliance means that your other alliance members won’t kill each other.
Alliances here
Alliance 1
All members dead
Alliance 2 6 kills
Liam_Gue, Triumphant 1000
Alliance 3
All Tributes dead
Alliance 4
All Tributes dead
Alliance 5
All members dead
Alliance 6 1 kill
All Tributes dead
Alliance 7
All Tributes dead
So that’s it for now, the final fights will be up Tomorrow, hope y’all enjoy.
Edited by Liam_the_Censor: 3/16/2018 12:13:03 AMHow the **** am I still alive? I’m going to be a friggin’ cyborg if I make it out alive.