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Edited by TheLegs41: 3/26/2018 1:53:14 AM

Sea of Thieves

So I got this game off of the game pass. I didn’t play any of the betas, but I watched a couple streams. I didn’t want to get any expectations for it so I wouldn’t be terribly disappointed. It’s actually really fun so far. My friend and I pulled an all nighter sailing around searching for buried treasure and dodging other players and it was a very rewarding experience. We got ambushed by a galleon full of douchebags camping an outpost. We managed to kill half of them and escape with most of our loot (RIP that one captain’s chest and a pig). Then sailed around some more and ran into another galleon that was pillaging the same island we were supposed to target. My friend hopped off the ship to grab the chest while I managed to sail circles around them until he got back. We then almost managed to sink them (after they fired the first shots, of course 😉) but chose to simply circle around and leave with our bountiful booty. It was an amazing feeling every time something like that happened and we would sail away with a hold full of chests. There are definitely some negatives that I can see already though, like swimming in a wrecked ship is kind of clunky and frustrating, galleons of douchebags are able to just camp near outposts and steal all your loot 5 ft from the drop point (but hey, it’s a pirate game. That’s expected), the rewards per chest are pretty low, and the character customization is a little iffy. Other than that though, the graphics are fantastic and the ship controls are nearly perfect. Those are the two main things I was worried about, but they turned out really well. Anyone that’s on the fence about it should really consider buying it. Or at the very least, shell out $10 (or $1 if you haven’t used your discounted month) for a month of play. I’m sure that’s more than enough time to accurately gauge your interest. Edit: P.S. As others have said below, it is majorly focused toward multiplayer experiences. Though it can be played solo, it’s much easier/exciting to play with friends. By myself I’ve been able to pilot the sloop easily, and the galleon with a little practice, but if you’re piloting the ship solo, there’s not much time to do anything else. Edit 2: Last night my friend and I were finishing up selling our loot at an outpost when we saw a notification that the server would shut down soon. We thought “Hey, we should go find a shipwreck or something real quick before the server shuts down.” While searching for a shipwreck, we spotted another player’s sloop close by. We decided to forget the shipwreck and sink them. So we engage, start chasing them around, they start sniping at us, and eventually we just end up ramming them(big mistake, as that apparently does more damage to the rammer than the target). We blast a good 5 holes in their ship and then hop on board. My friend only finds one mid/low level chest, and we see that there was only one guy on the ship. I go back to our boat to find that we’ve almost completely sunk, so I end up getting dragged under while my friend stays on the other guy’s ship. I manage to track them down with our new ship and chase them to a nearby island, where it appears that this guy is trying to complete a skull bounty. We kill the guy, fight the skeletons, and collect his reward. Then we book it back to the outpost with about 5 minutes till shutdown. We make it back at 2 minutes, and instead of parking I just ram the ship prow-first into the dock and my friend leaps off and turns the skull in with about 30 seconds to spare. The reward? The lowest level skull in the game 🤣. We had just harassed some poor noob on what was probably one of his first quests and practically killed ourselves to get the reward in on time, all for a basic skull, and it was probably more fun than anything else we’ve done so far. If that doesn’t sum up this game, idk what does. Final edit: So after a week of playing, I’ve come to the following conclusions: 1) It’s a lot more fun with friends. 2) It gets really repetitive, but only if you let it. 3) It will die very quickly if they don’t live up to the promise of constant updates. I think that Rare has already shown better judgement/integrity by not promising anything specific. That way if they aren’t able to deliver on any of their ideas, it’s not a NMS situation where they falsely advertised many features that were never in the game.

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  • It’s a good concept in need of a game!

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  • Free with gold

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  • Edited by B00ZE CLUEZ: 3/23/2018 5:28:12 PM
    Should be $30, not $60. Edit: install size is around 18gb. Damn friends gave bad info.

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    • Edited by Yo Erk: 3/21/2018 12:57:45 AM
      I went the route of getting SoT through gamepass as well. Had just over $22 on my account and went ahead and just bought a 1month membership. Which fyi for those who dont know, if you have money in your MS account via gift card you wont need a credit card when buying a 1mo game pass. So I figured okay 10 bucks to try out SoT, and no worry of forgetting to cancel my membership and being charged if I don’t like it. Aaaaanyway lol I load up SoT and didn’t have any issues that have been plaguing some gamers like accessing the servers or being kicked. I just been having bad luck. As a solo player I knew going in it would be a lot harder to do the most important things easier like controlling your ship and gathering supplies, I was fine with that and figured I should know how to do everything anyway. However I encountered things like an empty world. I figured I would run into some other people and join up and learn some tips, but nope, only one ship that instantly started firing at me that I was able to outrun and they gave up. When seeking out buried treasure, this is where most my problems began. I grabbed three maps. Set sail and get to the island. Hop off my boat l, locate where I should start digging only to find out my shovel, sword, gun and everything else but the map and banana were all gone. Thought maybe it’s back in the boat. Goto my inventory chest and it acted as if I had all those things equipped. So somewhere between looking at my treasure map and swimming to shore my equipment just glitched out. So I jumped off a cliff to kill my guy hoping my stuff would come back. It did but now I lost that one treasure map. Okay, onto the next one. Get there and its dark. Get to the island get bit by a snake then I get shot by a mummy off in the distance! Wtf I thought!! I couldn’t hit the mummy to literally save my life with my gun. I go chasing after the damn thing with my sword and as I approach another damn snake bit me killing me! Lol Come back to life and I’m like ok -blam!- that place. Try the third place which turns out the same island the first one was but in a different spot. I arrive and it’s storming. First strike of the shovel and hit the treasure box. Ahhh what a good feeling. Things starting to go right for this lonely pirate. I head back to my ship and it’s really storming now. Climb up my ladder and soon as I put my treasure chest down I get struck by lightning and die!!! This time when I respawn Im back at the main island with a new ship and no treasure chest :( Needless to say I’m not going back out without any friends. It was still fun though but super frustrating not being to accomplish a single thing in two hours of playing. I still have zero gold and zero quest completed. But I know it’ll be a different experience the second time around. Least I hop so!!

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      4 Replies
      • I wish I could hunt down some booty, but I'm married.

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        • I wouldnt recommend the game unless you get it with the game pass feature. I preorder the game but didnt get my black dog set and i had to wait two days after launch just to get into a server. If I could refund it i would. Hardly any content for a $60 title. absolute disappointment.

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        • I did the sea of thieves skeleton “raid” for the first time and we got all the treasure and when we were leaving another ship was following us and a storm popped up. Then of course the god damn kraken showed up but we survived it and got 13k gold in treasure:

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        • Yeah the Xbox Games Pass is the best option to go with if you want get this game. I ended up paying full price though. So after having to wait till the servers opened back up, I found a group of people who had headsets. So everything was going good until we went to a specific outpost to drop off a gunpowder barrel to try and cash in on a merchant quest from a message in a bottle. No doubt we got ambushed and the ship got sunk. Managed to redeem I think two chests though. Anyways this story's not over yet. After two of the people in the crew left, the other crew mate and I decided to still try and set sail. I still wanted to try and get the merchant bounty done, and the other crew mate didn't seem to have too much of a problem with it. Found another fort with a gunpowder barrel with it, put it at the bottom of the ship where the brig was. This is sort of important to the end of this story. On our way back to the same outpost, we come across another galleon. For some reason we didn't seem to get hit. But I guess while avoiding the other galleon, two more people joined the crew. But since the other crew mate and I were still in a party we made with the past two crew mates, we couldn't communicate while trying to avoid the ship. The last crew mate from the original crew must have left and the two new crew mates must have not liked what I was doing and voted me into the brig. So I started playing shanties until I realized the barrel of gunpowder was down there with me. So since I knew they wouldn't bother going to the outpost and me being stuck in the brig, I shot the barrel and left the game. Just wish I could have remembered to record it. Oh well...

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        • I wanted update my experience today playing with a random crew compared going at it solo yesterday makes a world of difference for the better! It started off the same as yesterday with me spawning in an empty world. Then I here someone talking. He was Chinese (I knew this bc he said “ I’m from China. Are you American? You speak Chinese?) and because of our language barrier and the fact our ship was no where to be found I was like great! Here I go again. So I picked up a treasure map and thought “-blam!- it! I’m swimming to the island lol” I made it almost to the shore of the nearest island from my outpost and was eaten by a shark. Miracously when I spawned back in a full crew was there and greeted me to come aboard! Awesome!!! We grabbed all the supplies and quest that we could and hit the open water. Ahooyy! One manned the wheel, I was put in charge of the map and back sails, another was lookout and front sails and the fourth guy did a little of everything. Reached our first destination where there was just a chest sitting on the sand. I didn’t know that was a thing but, apparently it is. We found the buried chest quite quickly and went back aboard to the next spot. Three islands, five chest and 4 skulls later we decided it would be best to head to an outpost to redeem our goods and cash out. And the real fun began as a two man ship was looking for a quick grab and rob us. When they came into voice proximity range we told them, “hey we don’t want to cause you any trouble” But the little squeakers laughed amd proceeded to ram our ship. HUGE mistake on thier part. They dropped faster than booty in a night club. Upon getting closer to the out post lo and behold it was the squeaker brigade, again!! This time they figured they would just wait for some poir ole pirates at the post. Not expecting us! We devised a plan that three would run the loot to the beach and one stay on board and distract by firing. As I layed cannon shots on them, they made a U-turn to try and board our ship. Shot the one guy but didn’t notice the other had jumped off his ship and was making his way to intercept my mate with the chest. He was too far for me to say behind you. So I fired a cannon shot in his direction to het his attention. It worked and he was able to take him out. Meanwhile I ransacked the other ship and while only one chest, it felt great!!! Most fun in a game I’ve had in a long time!!! What a world of difference the game is with so co-op play. I would imagine though the other two people bit the dust they still had fun too

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        • Day one patch was great

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          • Yeah it’s a lot of fun. I’ve had some really fun moments . Just wish it had a a bit more. Hopefully rare is on top of this and keeps adding elements to the game .

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          • This game is so fun. My worry is that a game with griefing others will eventually develop a toxic player base like the Division with the Dark Zone.

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            2 Replies
            • If you have a lot of fun friends to go on adventures with, the game is entertaining. If not, then you're going to have a rough time. It's obvious this game was not designed for solo play, nor does the depth of the game seem to go far past looting stuff while getting into scrapes with enemy players.

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              • The water in that game feels so real. [spoiler]when I saw the water physics for the first time, I almost came[/spoiler]

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                • This game is fun as heck with friends. Me and buddy were doing really well yesterday.

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                • Played during the alpha betas game is extremely trollable and salty nothing going on never ran into the kraken ppl will send u straight to the brig just for spawning in or no reason

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                  • It’s fun, but there’s not much content.

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                  • So a cartoony dead zone (division), set on the open ocean?

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                    • Yoho, yoho, yoho A [u]LavenderBeard[/u] life for me. [spoiler]That’s the error code, I can’t get on. Maybe tomorrow.[/spoiler]

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                      • Played for a while. Dug up some treasure, was an arsehole and sunk some people, played music, drank grog, avoided some outpost campers as soon as I realised what they were doing and went to a different, empty outpost. That last ones a particularly obnoxious player behaviour the devs'll need to keep an eye on IMO. Could be a game-killer if it proliferates. Overall though, scope for shenanigans is excellent, looks great, plays brilliantly. Just not sure how deep it is.

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                      • I enjoy it. I've been testing it for the past year and a half, and it's really cool to see how the game's evolved from 2016—now. My only two critiques are they way they're rolling out the content in phases, and how some of the bugs have gone unaddressed.

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                      • I went the same route and bought Game Pass for the game and must say so far it’s a pleasant game that while it will get repetitive it’s got its charm. Spent half my day yesterday solo and managed to get a dozen or so treasures only dying twice to skeletons. Any other groups I’ve come across have been friendly and have yet to attack me. I even teamed up with two other random players on a skull fort.

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                      • Thanks for the tip.. Didn't realize it was on game pass.

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                        • I have been able to get on...keeps kicking me off

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