Remember the Jak and Daxter Trilogy? God of War Trilogy? Spyro stories? Tony Hawk Pro Skaters? Kingdom Hearts series?
Those games took dedication, time, and a hellish amount of effort before there was “live” fixes and updates. Games needed to be near perfection to sell, so work out into it was at peak performance.
Do you feel accomplished playing Destiny 2? Did it ever make you have a revelation about life in a meaningful way? Can you say the developers and teams put all their effort into this game?
Edit 1: let me be clear I never insulted this game or series with what I said. I gave opinions and statements along with asking a few questions. Therefore to those who are misreading my intentions, here’s an old saying “If the shoe fits. . .”.
I've been saying all along people need to relax. I mean, when there was something you didn't like about the first Halo it's not like you could just rant and Rave whine and cry to the developers to make changes, that wasn't a thing. And now that games evolve grow and have add-ons people feel entitled to get their way. So take it on the Forum whine and complain cry and moan. They're probably mostly young children who never knew what a cartridge gaming Council was like