Erase one horrible tragedy from history can be anything bad. For example 9/11. You could erase it like it never happened and nobody lost anybody that day.(messing with time though would be unpredictable)
Also, global warming is controversial to some people. But I'm assuming most of you believe that it's not. Most people in the world agree with the global warming thing. So for that one, you can prevent global warmer by reversing the negative effects.
Hope you guys enjoy the WYR. New WYR [u]every[b] Wednesday[/b][/u]. Peace.
Sense amplified- Will I be able to control it? Like, will a fly a mile away be giving me headaches? Learn every fighting style- This sounds very useful, and no downsides that I can think off. Discover aliens- Something tells me that I won't survive first contact. Prevent a tragedy- As you said, things would be unpredictable. I may just make the world worse if it didn't happen. Discover Area 51- I'm sorry, I never really cared about area 51. Know how the world ends- That would be depressing, and knowing that you couldn't stop it as well. Reverse Global Warming- I do not believe in global warming in the first place. So this would be useless for me.