Recently I've been debating whether to pick up a 3DS. I really liked some of the GBA titles, and want to revisit those series. I can also afford to spend the couple hundred dollars without too much trouble.
Is the 3DS good? How are the new Fire Emblem and Pokémon games? For reference the last ones I played were Sacred Stones and Emerald, respectively.
Edit: Who down voted? This isn't exactly an objectionable thread.
Update: I just ordered a 2DS XL. Should be a good time.
Definitely worth getting, the 3DS isnt exactly expensive to get (it wasnt really expensive to begin with and now it is even cheaper), and it has a great lineup of games. I personally love the fire emblem series and find both awakening and fates to be great games (awakening has a good story, while fates is lacking in the story department but has amazing gameplay, especially conquest). Pokemon sun/moon are actually the first pokemon games that i have enjoyed for a fairly long time now. I personally hated black/white, and disliked all others since then (x/y werent exactly bad, but more so unmemorable and boring), sun and moon feel new, and feel like they have added back in some of that innovation that pokemon had. And i mean that is just listing fairly popular and standard game titles, there are plenty of smaller interesting games to play, including many rereleases of older games (so happy the pokemon trading card game got rereleased). The library of good games available is fairly large at this point, though its growth is slowing down due to the switch being somewhat of a handheld as well, and nintendo trying to merge the two markets (which i dont necessarily see as a bad thing, just means less for 3DS, but it also means better quality hand held games).