Haven't seen any new negative posts recently.
The patch has definately changed things. In pve its great. Its nice to use different guns and the getting ur super back makes it alot more fun. In pvp however i feel like they made a few mistakes. The hunter is now the slowest character in the game if u dont have ur arcstrider super active. Titans and warlocks now are way faster and have abilities that are superior to hunters. In my opinion they should of left invis alone and buffed everything else or the opposite. And since they nerfed invis they could atleast make tether an actual super instead of a slight inconvenience. Power ammo spawns way to often and dropping it when u die means there is usually a trashcan crutching colony at all times. Once again i feel like they should have done one or the other. Spawns in rumble and all pvp is horrible still. All in all the game feels faster on a titan and warlock and pve is alot more fun. Pvp however is as unbalanced as ever. Give it a week and the new meta will take over and thats all you will see just like it was. Time will tell but the game definately some adjusting still. Oh...synthocep melees on titans that are faster than almost everything else is annoying and needs the lunge range nerfed a little bit.
Tons of people jumped on the hate train, but the update is honestly enjoyable. If they continue to improve the game carefully like this, then we'll have a solid game in 3-6 months
Uh you might want to refresh your forum lol
The post above is negative lol