Might need some help later on this one in terms of lore fact checking.
[spoiler]Story 2:
Act I:
Part 1:
Archive: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/242853482/0/0[/spoiler]
Three weeks have passed.
The team has lost contact with their rescued prisoner since bringing her to the care of the Tower's medical ward.
Given the circumstances of their last visit, all four members agreed it would be best for the Onyx Guard to wait aboard the ship while Bee prevented maintenance crews from entering the vessel under the notion that there was no need to draw attention away from where it was needed most.
The motley fireteam is currently onboard their ship in a holding pattern around the City. Bee, Lee, and the Onyx Guard are hoping to use the visit as a chance to relax a little and pick up supplies while Patterson is once again dead set on seeing if the Tower has any new leads on the Vex.
He believes the they are the key to pushing back the darkness: an infinite army with a seeming boundless means of instant transportation; gaining the ability to manipulate either would be enough to turn the tide of their war...
"Tower control, this is dropship [i]Graceful Brick[/i] requesting an update on docking status. Over," Lee groans. A fifteen minute holding pattern is fairly unusual for the clockwork traffic flow in City airspace.
A female voice quickly responds, "docking status is currently restricted, [i]Graceful Brick[/i]. Maintain holding pattern until further notice. Over"
"What did I do to you?" Lee quietly sneers back, lightly throwing up his hands in a shrug then returning one to a tight grip on the yoke and balling the other into a fist on his armrest. He then sarcastically follows with a passive aggressive, "Over."
"We've detected the same anomalous reading aboard your ship as that given off by the Exo you recently brought in. You are to hold until the issue is resolved. Over."
Bee grabs the back of the pilot's seat and pulls her upper body into the cockpit before angrily shouting, "[i][b]That's[/b][/i] why you've had us flying in circles?! For all you know a bolt from that poor Exo could have fallen behind a seat cushion. The 'issue' you're talking about can't be resolved until we land you stupid..."
"[i][b]Over[/b][/i]!" Patterson shouts from behind her to cut off the imminent swarm of swearing and name calling.
There's a pause, then the voice returns, "Can you elaborate on that? Over."
The Onyx Guard steps forward to explain the situation and possibly finish what his sister started before Patterson extends an arm to keep him from approaching the cockpit. Lee sees this and shifts to the side with the wave of a hand as an open invitation for Patterson to lean in on the other side of his chair.
"It's the fourth soul aboard this ship," he began. "His biological signs are human but his presence gives off distortions and delays in time sensitive equipment, so the readings fluctuate in ways that don't line up with the surroundings.
He was aboard the ship when we last landed, but hid him to avoid complications.
The passenger is not a Guardian, nor is he a threat, but I need to speak with the library's scholars to see if this distortion can somehow aid in the war effort... Over."
There is another pause, slightly longer than the first. The voice then responds with, "Roger. Docking permission granted. Please follow the fighter escort that will direct you to your landing pad. Security forces will be awaiting on touchdown. Over."
Lee sighs and slaps the visor of his helmet. "Copy that. Out."
"Not exactly a friendly 'welcome home'," Bee nervously chuckles.
"[i]Don't worry[/i]," the Onyx Guard replied with sarcastic optimism, "[i]they probably just want to hold my hand so I don't get lost.[/i]"
"That other hand better be holdin' gas money," Lee said. "Gonna raise all kinds of hell if they think I'm paying for them wastin' my fuel."
It would seem I've gone undetected. Just have to say below 1000 ft and that sub doesn't stand a chance.