You guessed it, they need a rework. Take away the range buff and put something like 2 melee charges or something in place. They are outright and totally broken.
Before any of you open your mouth in an objection, think about this: did you complain about Warlocks' melee range in D1? And since you did, because let's be honest everyone complained about it, how was 0,5m extra range bad but now 5m extra range is suddenly okay?
And no, "because it's an exotic" is no argument. If the range buff needs to be there, make it like Ophidian Aspect, where the buff is almost totally unnoticable.
It's far from broken( nothing compares to anything truly op in D1 ), would rather use Lion Rampants or Dunemarchers( paired with shoulder charge and mobility feels way better ). This game is already a nerf, we really don't need anymore. Yes there's been a fair share of buffs in the last update alone, doesn't make up for all the shit that's -blam!-ed. Balance is never going to happen, this iteration of the game is proof of that.