[b]I hope this finds you well Live Team.
Please, please, please, please look in to ammo economy.[/b]
I ran the nightfall 8 times last night and to much my dismay, there seemed to be a that hidden juggler in effect. I would run out of primary and never get any energy weapon ammo. I would then run out of energy ammo and never ever, ever, ever, ever get any power weapon ammo. I would also start with power ammo around 2-5 rounds and after using said ammo, I might, say I might see another brick that would at most give me 3 rounds of ammo. This permanent ammo juggler seams not to just run throughout the entire strike, but all of destiny. This effects me and my other two team mates and not only does this make the nightfall boring, tickling the enemies to death, but it extends the nightfall and makes it very unsatisfying.
I have one question, why do you make a shooter and you don't give us ammo? This doesn't make any sense.
This has been happening since Destiny 1, in my experience every heroic strike and nightfall has juggler active and this is how it always has been. 3 days ago i was reading a post from a guardian calling out this issue during a nf and how it takes several enemy kills to get a single purple brick or two. I responded to his post being a lil douchie [i]so now people realize how relevant ammo synth was...[/i] i wont say the same to you, instead I'll ask you to read forum threads once a while and post a comment when you see somebody else talking about the no power/energy ammo drops as im doing with you right now. Let's voice this up by doing it and we may raise some awareness regarding this issue going on among the community.