Dear Friends,
Each day I feel progressively weaker. Just goes to show money doesn't solve all of your problems, at least she won't have to worry about financials as an adult for a while(hopefully lol).
Doctors are saying it could be anywhere from 12 hours to 2 weeks from now. As I lie in this uncomfortable ass hospital bed, it just doesn't feel real, but my role here in this life has been played, and I accept that. I just know she doesn't.
She won't leave my side, she cried herself to sleep last night. I don't want her to leave, and I don't want to leave her. I'm so conflicted, I accept that it's my time to go, but I can't leave her. She needs me.
I need her...
Needless to say, this will be my last post. Thank you all for your love and support, it meant a lot.
[spoiler]When I come to the end of my journey
And I travel my last weary mile,
Just forget if you can, that I ever frowned
And remember only the smiles.
Forget unkind words I have spoken;
Remember some good I have done,
Forget that I ever had a heartache
And remember I've had loads of fun.
Forget that I have stumbled and blundered
And sometimes fell by the way.
Remember I have fought
Some hard battles and won,
Ere the close of the day.
Then forget to grieve for my going,
I would not have you sad for a day,
But in summer just gather some flowers
And remember the place where I lay.
And come in the evening,
When the sun paints the sky in the west,
Stand for a few moments beside me,
And remember only my best.
About god, sadly I’ve never lost anyone to cancer in my family. Even though it runs prominently in my family. Before I was born my grandmother (who is still alive) had breast cancer. She was on her deathbed and the doctors sent her home to die. She went home. And never died. And she had a family that lead to me being born. Never lose hope
You will never be forgotten, Guardian.
Why does cancer always take the best of us? I'll be praying for you and your family.
I’m sorry man. Here’s to hoping your daughter will find the strength to live and surpass your greatness. Thanks to you, she’ll always have someone. She’ll grow up and tell everyone how great you were. But, not matter what happens next, you will always be remembered. [spoiler]Say hello to everyone’s passed family members for me.[/spoiler]
I’m praying for you and your daughter. This isn’t the end. Your wife has been with you both. You will be reunited with her while you two will be looking down at your daughter watching her grow into a very strong woman. Death is not Final. It will definitely be hard. The tough part is wanting to be there for her to guide her and not being able to. The tough part is her wanting someone touchable to be there for her. I don’t know what arrangements you’ve made for her for when you’re gone (or if you end up reading this, which, if you don’t, is just as well since you should be spending every remaining moment you have with your daughter or loved ones or talking to God). But You will be able to see things from a new perspective, watching how gloriously God will be orchestrating things in caring and providing for her. How she really is in the Best of Hands. I don’t know how much Bible stories you know but it’s like the story of Jesus and His disciples sailing across a sea during a storm. The disciples were panicking while Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat. They were getting pounded and swamped with waves and they finally woke him. He calmed the storm and then asked them why they were so afraid. (Matthew 8; Mark 4). I mean if we really knew what Jesus/God knows, I’m sure we wouldn’t have such fear either. But we are human and God, being God, is very much aware of our fragility of mind and body. You will be able to see how perhaps God allows evil in order to turn it around upon itself in order to only refine good and to work for the purposes of Good. (Romans 8) You are a wonderful father to her. Neither you nor her mother are failures. IF you have the time, or as recommendations to you or your daughter, don’t know your perspectives on reading, I recommend A Grief Observed and The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis (and everything else by C.S. Lewis (Tim Keller has good insight too (pastor at redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York))) for more insight and perspective on all this suffering and hard times. God (the real one lol) bless you both. May your daughter grow into a strong, Wise, and virtuous woman. May your daughter come to know and understand that the suffering of this life won’t hold a candle to the awesomeness of what God has in store and how he’s going to work it all out in the end, twisting evil and suffering for good purposes instead for those who love him. May your daughter be blessed with true friends, people that care for her as if she was part of their own family. May you be able to say everything you need to say, give her all the encouragement and affirmation she needs, and pour into her all the love and wisdom you have with your remaining time. You are both God’s precious children.
Though we never spoke much, I read a good many of your posts and you always brought a smile to my face. Had we ever met in RL, I feel like we could have been good friends. We may not know your name, but we know you as a person and an unforgettable one at that. Thank you for the years of companionship on this forum, for the laughs, for your words. May you find glory at the Gates my friend. Until we meet again in Heaven, I remain your friend, Joe (Gladlin)
Edited by Furiously Dashing: 4/14/2018 11:51:15 PMPeople say that you can't build lasting relationships over the internet... I now know for sure they are completely wrong. I've bonded with so many people here and have grown to know them so much. To hear that our crazy family is going to be one member short is awful. To hear that you are leaving us is truly a tragedy. My grandfather and uncle both have cancer. I watched what they went through. I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now, but just remember that death is only a gateway. I will pray for your daughter. She truly loves you. I think everyone can tell that she must be a remarkable woman. You were one of the greatest guys on this site. I like to think that I may have met you in real life one day. Maybe walking through the mall or on the same plane. Maybe we exchanged a friendly greeting or had a conversation, but how I would've loved to know you and your daughter personally as a true friend. Farewell, see you on the other side. [b][i]"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."[/i][/b] [b]Romans 8:38-39[/b]
I never actually talked to you but farewell.
Edited by Oh Pie Dragon: 4/16/2018 10:22:47 PMIf you feel as though you have any regrets, I will play the Song of Healing. It is a magic song that can heal emotional pain and help those with lingering regrets to pass on peacefully I will play it everyday for the next 2 weeks Here is the version played on a harp
Wtf?! I was gone for a month!!! What happened??!!!
Good bye space cowboy 😭
I don’t even know what to say. We will miss you, and I wish you and your daughter the best in the coming days/weeks. Your #Offtopic home won’t forget you.
I don't know you personally, as I do not know any of you personally, but this made me tear up. I really don't know what to type other that I am sure, as well as others, that you will not be forgotten by those close to you! If you are no longer here, rest easy :)
Wow... Farewell.
Man, this is just sad to hear, goodbye man.
Rest well friend, you will not be forgotten.
Edited by jlboozer: 4/16/2018 1:25:36 PMI'm praying for you and your family bud...eyes up Guardian!
My prayers go to you and you daughter. I have a daughter that graduates high school next month. We are very close and i cant imagine how hard this is for both of you.
-blam!-. I'm really sorry man, not just for you but for your family as well. OffTopic will never forget you. So long and thanks for all the fish.
As I still hope you are here on this earth today. I give my condolences to you and your family for this hard time. Having to go through my mother’s own passing from cancer when I was young. You never forget the person. If they were close enough you will likely always wonder if they were here right now how would things be different or better? Hits me during the worst of times for me
I am truly sorry about this, I will pray for you and your daughter that she can live happily. I didn’t know you that well, i didn’t spend that much time in off topic. But from what I did see you were a very funny person. I am very sorry to see you go, hopefully when the rest of the people here pass away we will be able to see you on the other side. If there is one thing I can tell you it is to enjoy the remaining time with your daughter, my uncle was in a similar situation and didn’t take the time to spend with his family as much as me wanted to, it is my cousins greatest regret not being able to spend time with his uncle. Trust me, spend your time with your daughter. With all sincerity, Rest In Peace -robojaws21
hydrogen bomb
bau bau - old
Damn. You shall not be forgotten. By me, at least.