What's your top 5? I love majority of the epic-legendary skins Epic Games releases.
Currently... 1. Noir (Hardboiled Set) 2. Drift - Stage 4 (Battle Pass) 3. Warpaint (Founder's Skin) 4. Reaper (Battle Pass) 5. Valor (Battle Pass) Noir because I love old detective movies and stuff. Drift's 4th stage because the hoodie and kitsune mask are perfect. The "Naruto" jacket is just too bulky. Warpaint because Founder's Status Motherf*cker! Reaper because John Wick! No explanation required. Valor because it's the coolest of the season 4 Battle Pass skins.
The commando twitch one. I'm almost always the only one wearing it!
john wick, brilliant striker, elite agent, korean mogul master (or whichever one is female i know there are two sets of skiier skins) and the pilot girl skin i don’t know the name
Edited by Pyrus: 4/20/2018 6:49:05 AMMy favourite is personally Burnout. I think I like him because he's a cleaner looking Rust Lord and I do dig the motorcycle helmet.
The one that you don't have to buy and earn for free...oh, wait...
1 is circuit breaker Then John wick Black knight Rogue agent Raptor
Tip 5 likely. Elite agent Raven Red knight The new female dark voyager skin Don’t really like many others that much