So Im going to explain to you why not having a radar in this particular game does not work and never has and why taking it away is literally killing the game for all of us.
Destiny audio is almost non existent.
You for the most part cannot hear a hunter or a Titan or a warlock come up behind you like you can in cod games Unless they jump or fire at you. To throw 4 players against 4 players who can easily get flanked you promote even more team shooting, camping, whatever.
The idea to take away radar from competitive mode in general is the worst idea ever.
People like me and even deaf players go around playing competitive to get away from quickplay because its more tame more chances for montages and sick plays being that last guy alive or rezzing your teammates and making some amazing comebacks. I only really ever play competitive but I also love to play competitive solo, that's right sometimes I'm a solo gamer. I wake up and eat breakfast and would hop in competitive mode for a few hours by myself before work. But now I can't even do that and so instead of calling a bunch of buddies who I know are probably working I end up playing other video games because the crucible is just pointless to me. Without a radar and no communication you might as well rush in and expect to die. Because you will, over and over and over again you'll get flanked, outgunned by coordinated teams and you'll just get mad maybe even rage quit (God forbid if that ever happens)
Trials players will ultimately diminish
By taking away the radar the better teams will stomp the opposition. Haha the TTK will be faster but because they're better in precision, gun-slinging and callouts than them, new players will be discouraged and rage about getting killed from behind or getting swarmed and quit altogether. This is not the trials we know and love this type of system doesn't work without a radar and terrible audio you will die from behind more often than ever and if you try to get to cover and fight back the better teams will already have reinforcements sent your way to finish you off.
So all in all taking away the radar from a playlist kills off the solo players who played it, the deaf players who played it and makes trials a joke. Its not fun to lose its not fun to lose your 10 killstream all because the enemy spawned behind you and your dead teammate doesn't call it out and you end up dying; its not fun Bungie. These changes are laughable please put it back, you know what works so why keep changing the game and giving us just a taste of what we want?
#feedback, not #help