Edited by dtdionne: 5/17/2018 7:25:07 AMGuys, this thread is a mess. There are some really good points but most of it is petty pointless ego driven barbs and zingers. The workforce any company would have to hire to sift through, condense and correlate any tangible feedback here from this entire forum would be staggering. And we do and have done it to ourselves, because we can’t be respectful to each other. Bungie is not evil. They do not want to fail. Their livelihoods are at stake. They are people and they have feelings...feelings that can get hurt by hateful, mean comments. IMO the summit is an attempt to glean feedback. Most D1 streamers played pve content...hell, it was super fun. And the beauty of D1 was, all you had to do was glance at someone’s grimoire to know how much. Me, personally, I loved D1...it was an anthem for me. And D2 shattered my heart. I still play D2, but only out of the immense respect I have for D1. Take care
The replies to this post are exactly why Bungie goes outside of the forums to get feedback...
Edited by TheShadow-cali: 4/22/2018 4:42:30 PMSomeone mentioned it already and I agree with this. The summit is nothing but Bungie saying... [b]("please help us get our plummeting player base back")[/b] For anyone that says Bungie "cares" about their player base. This is how much Bungie cares. Bungie literally booted gamers that been on this forum since Halo days and created another paywall on top of others just to use this forum. That is how much Bungie cares about their player base and some of you think them inviting hand picked yes guys will help this game. WoW! There isn't one thing any streamer can say that Bungie hasn't heard or knows already from it's player base from the feedback this last 3+ years. It's interesting to see how top streamers are literally Trash talking about this game and company. So how does this help the game or the player base in anyway knowing the streamers that are going to the summit are hand picked yes guys. Do any of you know how much materialistic things are thrown at them? Trust me, it wouldn't be hard for people that just think about themselves to be convinced to say or do things when things are thrown at them that are a "gift". Streamers are a huge problem with this game because they mainly only think about themselves and not what is actually the best interest for the game or player base. IMO this is nothing but a PR stunt because Bungie has nothing else to use at this point because of their plummeting player base. The Only time Bungie makes any effort to reach out is when they are backed up into a corner and have no choice but being forced to take action. To me that is pure Hog Wash when they have had years that at any given time they could have reached out and shown they were trying to be legit about asking for feedback from the player base. So here it is again that Bungie is showing that the streamers 'opinion" is more important then yours... [b](and who the hell appointed streamers "as our community leader"??? The hell if some selfish lazy cons speak for me!)[/b] Bungie went through this with D1 and their way of dealing with it was sending out a survey only being concerned on why gamers stopped playing D1 and nothing more. So here we are again but the game being in a far worse situation than D1 ever was.
I’m interested in the balancing. I highly doubt the dlc, but I can enjoy running around in patrol dicking around with my like 2 friends that still play D2. The hype train is already rolling for too many people and it’s disgusting
Edited by kglenn04: 4/23/2018 11:22:02 PMIt was a dog and pony show it always is. The youtubers got pimped if you watch the videos all are for the most part saying the same thing, " I'm reading off notes" " I fee like my advice was taken" Bungie knows this ship is sinking if not already sunk what do they do the same thing they always do they go and get the youtubers to try and pimp their audience by having a town hall meeting and making it feel like change is coming, and for that they probably put them in a best western with bed bugs and gave them a hot pocket dinner and gave them some footage to take home. (Pathetic ) You ever wonder why if you go on the bald guys twitch and say wow destiny 2 really sucks he defends why it doesn't like dude it sucks, and the tone with live stream community regarding destiny 2 didn't change until the average Joe started to watch less and less of the D2 hype videos and then the youtubers and others started to put out the D2 sucks videos. Ahhh yeah gotta keep that cash box ringing. They are all in bed with one another I advise folks for find new youtubers who cannot be bought.
i am a bit hopefull while being fully shocked at the same time. good thing, they finally decided to listen to their audience and actually react to it so that the audience can see it.. (well at least what Bungie thinks are valid representatives for their audience ) BUT: after 3 years of "we are listening" they still are presenting dev ideas where those community "representatives" say unanimously "nah thanks thats not what we need".? really? after 3 years of really violent forced feedback from a very explicit community with now THREE community managers which only job it is to collect feedback, talk to the community and make the devs aware of the trends and likes and dislikes, they still come up with those ideas that are simply out of touch? how ? plus: how is it possible that Mtashed was able to create those waves with that comment? This should have been canon knowledge from the ceo to the janitor of the company.. this "apart from once there is no incentive to play any PvE activity since there is no desireable loot " - is the mantra for D2. speaking of Knowledge: i hope myelin had some influence over the narrative and story told in D2 (or better the lack thereof, narrative is NOT storytelling.. for narrative you have a description whats going on, for story you will have background and flashbacks.. basically everyloretab on one of the raid weapons should have had at least a stop motion scene in game at the apropriate time..so that you can a) experience the story and b.) get some anticipation for more.. imagine if we would have a DLC with all of calus journey and all of calus asassins in pictures and short cutscenes and then when it slowly comes to the nine, we get some teasers and some hints.not more.. the anticiaption would drive players into wamting more.. but i fear, what i have seen, the current story writers in Destiny do not even know the bqckground of the nine, calus, the reef, the darkness, or what everelse was createcomd in game.. i think all that backlore was lost when joe staten left the company.. and the new direction of turning brother vence into that claptrap fanboi and having seasoned and expectedly WISE characters battle each other like little girls on a playground in the comic is frightening.. cayde was fun in taken king because the situation was severe and everyone was focused and the exact opposite of lighthearted and funny.. turning everyone into wanting to make the audience laugh will have the Amy Schumer effect.. it just stops to be funny at some point..
All good stuff!! Looking forward to dlc and September. Ha!! Still folks posting nonsense, just no pleasing some of these guys, y’all are silly. Keep it coming Bungie, folks will be back.
Me too! I'm getting excited, again, and I love it!
Destiny Content Creators (DCC): I'm really excited for this game and where it's going! The Community: Well, why are you excited? What's changing? DCC: Some really cool stuff. The Community: Like what cool stuff? Can you go into further details? DCC: I can't tell you, but just know it's gonna be good and have really cool stuff! The Community: Isn't that what you said about D2 before it came out? That it was gonna be a great game and have amazing, cool things to do? DCC: Well...yeah...But Bungie has really changed and I could tell that they were sincere. The Community: Riiiiiiight. Moral of the story, I'll believe it when I see it with my own two eyes.
Edited by Bonito: 4/23/2018 1:06:23 PMFor only $60 more at fall '18 the will add some more stuff back from D1 into D2 .. very exiting ... not
Edited by hunting the void: 4/22/2018 9:28:13 PMScam to sell the fall expansion nothing more. If they cared for their game they would release the improvements way before September. Of course release the content but to hold the improvements... Bungo doesn't care about Warmind because you'll already paid for it.
I think I'm going to wait before spending any more money. No more pre-order for this guardian.
Bungie is trying to diffuse a bomb that has already exploded. Shouldn't events, like this summit, take place BEFORE you roll out a new game? Focus groups, anyone?
It was a marketing joke. Bring in "safe" people, make them sign a non-disclosure agreement, give them gifts and....viola... instant PR. The best part is, if the expansion totally tanks the only ones to 'feel the heat' will be the streamers that hyped it. Bungie is not stupid when it comes to marketing.
Mtashed said in his vid that the devs wanted to know how to fix the game and bring players back and keep them. Why don't they just -blam!-ing get some advice from Blizzard? You know, the same company that is tied to Activision and created World of Warcraft.
it will make no difference. activision are all the same goons with all their devs and they all suck and don't care about what the community wants at all
You are still hopeful after 4 years of lies and bs? Hopeful for what exactly? The game should have shipped with all of the missing elements that are being added back to the game...
Just shows you how nobody is listening to any feedback on these forums. This community has made post after post and yet they bring in YouTube scrubs and take their criticism like it means something while ignoring the community on these forums. Not happy.
“See that mountain over there?”
So, the devs were shocked to hear that the loot system sucks? Goes to show just how much they're "listening" considering how much feedback they've had over the last seven months saying precisely that. Imo this whole summit was nothing more than a gimmick designed to start building hype for the September update.
Mtashed is an idiot
I think the streamers all have Bungie lipstick on their dipstick in the name of advertising. The game is trash and Bungie has done little to nothing to fix it. They'll fix a lot for the big DLC that no one has already paid for. I'll give them this "🖕" and buy RDR2. Bungie can eat a bag of schlongs.
Edited by ABeardedViking: 4/23/2018 10:13:13 AMIf Bungie really cared about community feed back. They would do a PTR. Massive did it with The Division to turn that game around no reason Bungie cant do it with Destiny. From the videos i listen to, outside the new PVP mode it doesn't sound like they got to see anything else that its coming down the road. Which is some what concerning. How about Bungie show gameplay that is coming down the line and then get feed back from the community. And lets no mention that they are under NDA so they cant even be transparent with what went down during the summit.
I think the devs need to persuade the higher ups to upgrade their Halo 3 era infrastructure. It should not take 8+ hours just to load the editor alone before you can even make the slightest of changes.
In a post-summit video by Ms 5000 Watts, Bungie showed everyone a [i]thing[/i] and no one was impressed and attendees made suggestions for improvements. Bungie came back the next day with changes to [i]thing[/i] based on feedback which was more to everyones liking. I wasn't there, it could be a blatant lie. But let's face it, it's probably not a lie is it. IF this is the way Bungie are going, really taking feedback to heart and trying to change shit for the better, then I'm all for it. I like Mtashed, I watch his stuff. And he stopped playing along with most of the others. That's why they were invited. These community reps took screen shots of comments, note pads with our gripes and ideas on. Did Bungie see these? Possibly. I hope so. If Mtashed said he showed them then I believe him. If that makes me dumb or naive then, whatever, guilty as charged. And yeah - vested interests, making money through videos blah blah, I don't give a £$%& how much money he makes as long as this game gets to where it needs to be.
It’s got my hopes up but the best thing to do will just to wait and see what happens.