Edited by kglenn04: 4/23/2018 11:22:02 PMIt was a dog and pony show it always is. The youtubers got pimped if you watch the videos all are for the most part saying the same thing, " I'm reading off notes" " I fee like my advice was taken" Bungie knows this ship is sinking if not already sunk what do they do the same thing they always do they go and get the youtubers to try and pimp their audience by having a town hall meeting and making it feel like change is coming, and for that they probably put them in a best western with bed bugs and gave them a hot pocket dinner and gave them some footage to take home. (Pathetic ) You ever wonder why if you go on the bald guys twitch and say wow destiny 2 really sucks he defends why it doesn't like dude it sucks, and the tone with live stream community regarding destiny 2 didn't change until the average Joe started to watch less and less of the D2 hype videos and then the youtubers and others started to put out the D2 sucks videos. Ahhh yeah gotta keep that cash box ringing. They are all in bed with one another I advise folks for find new youtubers who cannot be bought.