Vaccines are known to cause autism. Here are the facts. My neighbor’s sister’s friend’s cousin’s dog’s petsitter’s son’s biological father took two vaccine-actions and they died just last week.
It’s sad we live in a country like this. Remember when America was all about Jesus?
Okay then , explain how newborn kids have Autism and don’t have vaccines yet.
And according to the state of California coffee causes cancer so yeah
People who don't get their kids vaccinated should be charged with child endangerment. They bring their unvaccinated kids in public and put other children at risk. There was a measles outbreak at Disneyland last year and it was traced back to an unvaccinated kid. Every major medical/scientific organization in the world has concluded there is no link btw vaccines and autism.
I've been vaccinated. That explains a lot.
Autism is a very destructive condition. But let's remember that before we had shots, about one kid in three died in early childhood. Now it's less than one in a hundred.
I can understand how some people question vaccines. Especially if they dont know where they come from. Plus the amount of kids and adults diagnosed with autism, add, adhd is astounding. Its being caused by something. They vaccinate for chicken pox now. When I was a kid, they had chicken pox parties to get your kid infected to get it over with. But oh well.
So this is what you do without Krishna around
Here's how to tell. Have most of you been vaccinated? Are most of you autistic. Yes so the evidence has been right here all along.
Imagine putting years and years of research into eliminating harmful diseases only to have some stupid people that think they know more than doctors bring those diseases back
vAcCiNeS dO CaUsE tHe AuTiSm
America has always been about odd-ideas and "snake oil". Its just----in the mass media, and then social media age----these odd notions just have a bigger platform, and a chance to get traction. A hundred years ago, Gwyneth Paltrow and Alex Jones would have been hard-pressed to spread their odd notions more than couple of hundred miles beyond where they lived. Today they can spread them globally. Shit, Google will even instantly translate them into any language.
Didn’t you leave? 🤨
'An her ah thot 'Merica it wuz abou hunny baked ham and dancin' with ma pretty 2nd cuzzin on my ma's side!'
I heard they recently found a link between autism and autism.
Well damn... that explains my roommate