So we're slowly starting to hear from people at the summit. So far it appears that warmind is more of the same. Apparently September is when the big improvments will come.
Also there's rumor of a "new" game mode coming September. Maybe it's battle royale. Lol. I'm sure you'll have to buy the expansion to play this new mode.
Another thing I heard mentioned is the new weapon slot changes are different from D1 and D2. That might be interesting to see.
Bottom line though are you willing to wait and drop more cash for a complete game. Yes Warmind is bringing some new stuff but so did CoO which fizzled out. It appears Bungie is banking on the September expansion.
So Guardians what are your thoughts? Are you willing to wait? Or is it too little too late.
Thoughts: I polled many people who have completely left Destiny 2, or are taking breaks from it during the “content drought.” I asked for what it would take to come back to the game, invest in more DLC’s, etc. Below is a list of new ideas, things that would be great to bring back, or other feedback/input from some of those players. Many others had the same feedback so I opted to leave out most of the repetitive input from a lot of people. I also am aware some of these have been announced to be addressed already, I am just providing the raw input. Please be open minded as I value everyone’s opinion and try not to be critical. Thanks! MarlinoTK Player T: -Some form of random roles, 6v6 PVP, and 6-man rumble (already here) to start. -Exotics should be hard to get, this is why it is called an Exotic. -Please bring another new raid that has nothing to do with the Leviathan or “raid lairs.” The raid lair concept is cool as a regular update but don’t feel it should be part of a DLC package since it’s just an add-on to the same environment. Player D: -Need more content, end of story. Doing the same missions over and over gets boring very fast. -Very unhappy with 4v4 PVP and not 6+ versus. This should not only come back as Iron Banner, but as regular playlist options every week for public matches. Player R: -I very much want the option to choose what crucible game type I can play instead of (or in addition to) the quickplay options. -Bring back random roles and SRL. Player C: -Add some sort of vehicle death match mode. -Interchangeable kinetic and energy weapons through the mod system. Player O: -The old playstyle where hand cannons could 3 tap, auto rifles hurt, scout and burst rifles competed. -Would be happier if snipers and shotguns not in the heavy/power ammo slot. -I want the Destiny 1 grind back. Exotics never felt like they were hard to get in D2, too easy to obtain even if you’re a newer player. -I always wanted races on sparrows to be instant and anywhere. Not sure how exactly it would work but you would hold a button with your ghost and it could start a 1v1 race. (Maybe an outrun/chase type race where leader has to get X meters away from opponent). -SRL there was never enough danger, if it comes back it should be a bit more challenging with obstacles or some sort of danger (maybe other players can try to snipe from sidelines Star Wars style). -D2 felt like it split up groups of people that were used to playing with each other. Never cared about having better or worse players on my team as long as they were friends and we had fun. Having less 6+ player activities felt counterproductive (both D1 and D2). -Randomize the pool of players again in PVP, at least for basic quickplay matchmaking. -New enemies would be amazing, but we need more deeper and darker enemies to fight and darker story. I get sick of playing sugar coated stories (light hearted) for long periods of time, it just isn’t as interesting and fun IMO. -Public events should involve a lot more and give more of a reason to bring teams into a patrol. -Planet materials should be rare to collect and have more of a purpose. -Mercury had a lot more potential but only has one public event and lost sector. -I would also like to see something like the shoulder charge accessible to all other guardians. -Smoke grenades are garbage in PVP, just give a better grenade to something instead. -I would like to see more collection books. -Dual weapon wield options would be cool. Player J: -Fated engrams cheapen the game and grind for exotic loot. If there were 500 exotics in the pool that would be one thing, but right now it seems slim. We need a bigger exotic loot pool (with fun crazy perks, maybe Borderlands 2 style). -We really looked forward to fighting side by side with the AI as it was implied when D2 was coming out. That seemed to not really happen at all. In future content this would be fun, or if there were a way for AI to come help at random public events or something like that. -Also there were cutscenes where Ikora and Cayde were using weapons and grenades on sparrows, always thought this should have been a thing (maybe sidearms and grenades or something). The cutscenes kind off set up false expectations in that respect. -As pointed out from others, SRL type game would be fun to bring back. Even if you aren’t a fan, at least it’s something else you can do with more than 4 people at once. -In addition to “efficiency” or your KDA, bring back the real K/D ratio in crucible. It helps you identify people on your team that may need help improving, and show you who’s not pulling their weight as much. -Add more clan levels and rewards. Clan rank bonuses are kind of a joke, and it is easy to hit max rank. Don’t make it harder to hit max rank, instead make 10-15 clan levels with additional benefits. When clan hits max rank, make there some sort of visual effect for the season (similar to nightfall aura) so people can show off and be prod of their clan. -Bring back artifacts, there were some fun perks and it was another item slot to grind for. -For a game being about “friendships” as stated in the reveal, it seems like there is a lot less you can do together in a large group of friends than D1. -Why can’t we have 4-6 person patrols? There are already more people than that at public events, so why can’t it be fireteam members? This should be an easy adjustment and easy win to make a some players happier. -For the quitter penalty, change the method to look for players leaving to orbit. Doing it based on any reason (internet, power outage, etc.) is unfair and will drive people away that have chronic problems but want to be competitive, they shouldn’t be punished. Think of how the guided games are already, with warning of penalty for leaving… that should be easy to implement. People -could- “unplug their internet” to avoid KD drop or for rage quitting, but it is not realistic this would become a habit when they have to reload the game each time. -Destiny 2 stories are way too light hearted, I miss the darkness feeling of D1. -In D1 we were able to select any mission we wanted to play again with friends for whatever reason, why is this no longer a thing? -Introduce more types of public events into the existing worlds. The public events do seem a bit more fun, but it would be nice if it didn’t seem so routine and repetitive. -Introduce more enemies into D2, I don’t mean a new creature the Fallen has, I mean new enemy races that require us to find different ways of fighting. I’m also sick of the Cabal already. -In D1 I believe we could inspect other players weapons and armor for their roles, not just what they had selected. Bring this back so we can brag about our gear again once some form of random roles comes back. -When inspecting a player, I think it would be awesome to have a player stats page that would display most or all of the data that is used for our emblem system. Display data like you can see on Destiny tracker sites, build it in to D2 player inspection options. Back in D1 we could look at a players grimoire score to have an idea how experienced they were, the player stats page would help with this. -How about introducing day and night times with weather rather than having one environment stuck one or two daylight settings. Add weather like the rainy effect we saw at the beginning of the game during missions, make this feature optional. Feels like a waste of a function or effect that is hardly used in the game. -Bring back light level advantages for Iron Banner and Trials (at least). -I miss the powerful feeling of D1 shoulder charge, melee, and grenade strength. -I know collectables are coming back in some form, I very much miss going around discovering those fragments and ghosts. We can scan items now at the tower and other places, but it doesn’t count toward a list or tally we can check off like a collection. -Bring back more collection books. -If Bungie doesn’t do random rolls like we expect, at least create a collection kiosk for every gun you have earned in the game that you can buy back (like an exotic) at a lower light level and with base roles. -Add ability to combine two weapons to make a new weapon (merging perks between weapons, stats, and so on). The result weapon can still be one of the two frames you combined but with different perks. This could be done at the Osiris forge or elsewhere. -Please give us a completely different raid in a new environment. -I would also like to encourage Bungie to stop giving us sparrows, ghosts, ships, emblems, etc. for the primary rewards of an event or strike/nightfall. They are great as additional supplemental rewards, but I don’t think they should be the -main- nightfall strike rewards. Exceptions to this would be if there was something unique given to us, like a trick sparrow or sparrow made off a completely new frame that looks like no other, or sparrow with kinetic guns. -So much of the D2 loot pool for weapons, ghosts, ships, and sparrows look like they are made off the same ‘frame’ design. It comes across as very lazy on the development end and D2 feels like re-skin city. Please try to make the loot going forward look much more unique from each other, other great games do this. -Weapons in D1 felt like they had so many more options to choose from for you to customize it, at least many of the weapons. Now in D2 it feels like half of that is gone and the perks to choose from aren’t competitive with each other. Often you just set your perks and leave it in D2 and don’t touch the stats again. -I miss my Khvostov