originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Me and my friends are looking for an active clan. We are long time player (since D1) and we regularly play and contribute to the clan.
1NV1CTUS is recruiting for raiders and PvP'ers to join our ranks. We are looking for people that raid a few times a week and people that participate in trials every weekend. We would ask for the raiders to have at least 10 raid clears. This doesn't have to be 10 in each raid just 10 all together. We will verify this by checking raid report before we accept you. We also have a designated sherpa team that we are wanting to add more members to if interested. Would like the PvP players to have a positive kd not KaD as well as having been flawless. We are also looking to another another 1-2 PvP admins with private matches coming back. We use an app called BAND to communicate and that is required we don't use chat function on this app to setup our events or create fireteams. Message myself or another admin if interested. Thanks for your time.