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Me and my friends are looking for an active clan. We are long time player (since D1) and we regularly play and contribute to the clan.
I'm part of an active PS4 clan that's been here since the dawn of Destiny. We’re a very social bunch of people with players from mainly the UK and US with a few Europeans mixed in for good measure. We regularly have a clear out of non active players in order to keep the clan ticking and keep those weekly clan rewards coming in. As with many clans we have seen a decline in active members and feel its time to make room for more active players to join. We have two main clans running atm with potential for adding more should we require them. We also use an app called "Discord" to organise our different chat rooms which keeps our main chat free for chatting whilst cutting down on lfg posts. If you’re not happy to use Discord, please do not apply. We have dedicated raid teams within the group that have their own specified times/days so we all know when and who we're raiding with. We have an admin who is responsible for getting even the toughest of members through the various raids in both versions of Destiny. If he can’t get you in a team and raiding regular, you need to stick to Sudoku and crosswords. We also have some strong pvp players waiting to get to the lighthouse again if that’s what takes your fancy. Iron Banner is great for bringing us all together. Can’t help but laugh at some of the banter that goes on in the teams at times. Not for the faint hearted. Link to Discord https://discord.gg/DCkQqCq Alliterate Soldiers is an over 18 clan and has been around since the dawn of Destiny. Link https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=159932 Darkest Souls is a family based clan with no age restrictions and has been around for about a year now. Link https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2728902 Any questions? Fire away 😉