I hate it how people argue about how bad the new Dlc is. Do you realize how stupid that is? Destiny is well worth it's money. First of all, ten year plan.
If Bungie released the whole game they had planned, there would be massive profit lost and unfair work/pay for the employees.
Second of all, if they completely released the game as planned, the game wouldn't be as good as it could be. By separating the games and dlc they can constantly change and improve things about the game with updates.
Finally, Destiny is and will be one of the best community's in gaming. If, as I stressed before, the game was 100% released. There would be no relationship/community build up. I know now the Destiny community is currently great because of the amount of haters/hate/toxicity there is. That indicates a big community. But as much as there are haters and toxicity there are friendly players and fans.
Want to know what's funny about the haters? Most of them haven't played the game. As a matter of fact, they hate it because others do.
Many hate it because "Cruse of Osiris Expansion" was bad and I agree. But spreading the hate isn't necessary, you lot can give bungie a chance to fix their mistakes or just stop playing Destiny 2 and go back to Destiny 1 or just quit.
Isn't that too simple?
I really hope you are being facetious.