You're instantly attracted. You obsess over her, day in and day out. Every night you tell yourself, "tomorrow will be the day I say something to her," and that day never comes. She sits next to you in math class, a glimmering essence of hope builds up in your stomach. You try not to stare. She catches you one time and gives you this weird look. You instantly look away, but you can't help but wonder if she liked it. Maybe she wants you to look at her. Maybe she wants you to talk to her. Maybe this is your chance.
But you don't take it. You crawl back into your shell of safety. Maybe tomorrow, right? But tomorrow is different. Tomorrow is the last day of school. A whole summer're dreading it. You have to say something. Everytime you open your mouth, nothing comes out. You watch her walk out of the class, radiant and happy with her friends, as you sit lonely at the desk. You're a failure.
Senior year comes around, and you haven't thought about this girl since sophomore year. You've been doing good for yourself, until you step into your biology class, and the only open seat is right next to her. The feelings of lust, sorrow, and anxiety rush back into you. Your stomach is in a twist. Your palms begin to sweat. The semester continues on with you awkwardly maintaining your silence right next to her. She's gotten so beautiful over the years. There's two months left of classes and your teacher tells you that it's time to do the senior year pair project. Your throat dries. You glance over at her. She gazes back at you and smiles. She tells you that you two can work on the project at her house later that evening.
You head to her house, everything inside of you is telling you to turn back. You can't handle this pressure. You'll say something stupid. She'll think you're weird. You enter her house. She's delighted to see you, and brings you to her basement. You suddenly are able to speak. You two have a fantastic time. You almost can't stop laughing with her. She's so easy to talk to. You guys get closer, and closer. She keeps touching your arm. She begins to reach for your crotch, and whispers in your ear, "If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma you may to be entitled to financial compensation. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in they Navy, shipyards, mills, heating, construction or the automotive industries may put you at risk."
RIP the former glorious nation of OffTopic