Hey Bungie,
We are a gaming community full of 16 Destiny 2 clans & we represent about 2000 Destiny 2 PC players. We would love the chance to speak with you directly on a #communityfocus.
Our goal is and will always be to create a space were people can come and game without worry of drama. They can just join in the fun with no restrictions. We have countless members that pride them selves on helping our new members with Nightfall's/raids/trials all your endgame content as well as simply keeping them company while they level.
We have implemented a [url=http://shroudedgaming.us/index.php?threads/destiny-2-players-of-the-week.46/t]"Player of the Week[/url]" Competition between our clans as a way to maintain a certain level of activity. We are Desperately Waiting for your private matches so that we will be able to run PVP tournaments to help assist in this endeavour. With our mod team we are successfully keeping a large % of our teams interested in the game week to week.
Our Discord Link is [url=https://discord.gg/HK87FXV]Here[/url] Should you choose to reach out that way.
Or reach out to us on twitter @shrouded_gaming.
You're better off posting this in Reddit, if you haven't already. Bungie devs don't read this forum and their community managers rarely do as well.