I had this [url=https://gfycat.com/AnyLazyIaerismetalmark]moment[/url] today in the EDZ and realized something sadly amazing which we still not have in regular in the game: [b]Advanced AI tactics.[/b]
You see, in the clip/gif the Phalanx cabals use their shields to push me out of my defending power source, Ward of Dawn. That is a moment I would like to see more in the harder activities of D2. AI which adapting to my playstyle and tactics and tries to counter them (like Overwatch works).
[b]Imagine the follow: [/b]You are an active dawnblade warlock in your super and behind this big enemy line are three fallen snipers. You going to kill the front line of the enemy group together with your fireteam but you, the Dawnblade, gets under fire by the fallen snipers which tries to counter you primary instead of shooting on your fellow guardians.
Wouldn't it be nice to have some small challenges like this in regular combat? For each ability you use? What are your thoughts?