originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hi there, i'm a new Destiny 2 player (didnt play D1) and I recently reached the end game point where I need buddys to play with to achieve greater goals (like raids) so i'd like to get in a clan :)
Thanks !
Are you looking for a grounded Destiny 2 clan that can help you reach your potential? Welcome to the KNG Clan. Our goal is to be your source of Destiny 2 friends. Even when the game is "dead" and there is nothing new to do, we will still be here giving Calus a run for his money. We are a bunch of experienced guardians looking to recruit for our upcoming adventures! This is not a serious guild, we do try to stay family friendly, but regardless we are all adults if you can't handle some adult language every now and then this guild isn't for you. We are always cutting up and joking around. Last week, 8 of our 113 members were inactive. We very often run multiple raids a day, and have several talented pvpers who are willing to help build you up. Come join us! Please try to be 21+ our Official website is Kentuckynerd.com but we will be mainly on Discord. https://discord.gg/TkuHT5C https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3078548 You must join Discord and let us know your Battle.net Tag so we can approve you! Anyways come and join up, all the founders are from Kentucky but that doesn't mean we don't enjoy other nerds with us!