Every once in awhile playing this game, I think in the back of my head (this is what I fantasized Destiny would be like before it came out).
Decided to finally try out Warframe last week, I'm 80 hours into the game and have hardly scratched the surface when it comes to content & loot. I have no idea what the hell happened to Bungie after they were acquired by Activision, but it's been a constant downhill slant..
Warframe on the other hand, has devs who are dedicated to their community... not their publisher, and oh man does it show in-game....
So far I've met nothing but friendly people who are willing to patiently elaborate on the many complex systems of the game. The premium currency can be acquired through player trading, so there's no need to ever spend money on the game (removing the player to player economy was Destiny's death knell IMO).
Destiny 2 was so supremely underwhelming and backwards, I just can't see myself playing the next game. This is coming from someone who has purchased and enjoyed every single Bungie title since Halo:CE, it's just so damn sad...
Thanks for all the good times since 2004 Bungie, but it looks like you've lost sight of your quest for world domination.
Well, WF seems to be a love it/hate it type of game. I actually tried it back in 2014 not too long after D1 dropped and couldn’t get into it so I came right back to Destiny. When D2 dropped, I couldn’t believe how far back the Destiny universe regressed and at this point I just feel a little sadness to think of what could have been. I’m clearly not the only one because at about the same time, SkillUp dropped his excellent review of WF. TL;DR Give it a try but understand it’s a game that can be maddening and sometimes almost too complex. I think one of WF biggest weaknesses is that sometimes it doesn’t help direct the new player very well. However, that is also its strength as it really rewards the player willing to put in the time and effort. I’m now playing everyday and am really enjoying it. I’ve only scratched the surface of this game and I’ve been playing since the end of September. I’m still finding stuff in game that I either didn’t notice or understand when I first started playing. Go watch SkillUp’s review of WF and the other videos he’s done on the WF universe/community. Spoiler alert...the community and developer are way more cooperative and sincere than the Destiny/Bungie community has ever been IMO.