I haven't seen someone make one of these yet so I will. If I miss anything just add it. Heads up, I've only made it to the final phase of the last boss. So if that's what you're looking for I'm not the best source.
Recommended light is 370 for most of the raid. Don't attempt if you're still in the 340 range. The last boss phase is 380-385 recommended (from what I recall)
General tips
The orb/relic you will see in every encounter gives you a [u]greed[/u] counter. If this goes past 10x you die.
If you become engulfed you must be passed the orb or have greed or you die quickly.
Part 1, entrance
To begin the fight, run up to the purple pillar to grab your first orb. There are 4 plates in this zone. I recommend having a person assigned to each one. 2 highest light level folks should be the bouncers (rotating between plates for ad assistance)
The person who grabs the orb touches plate, while standing on it throw into the flame. Encounter begins. . .4 plate holders just fight adds while they wait for their turn. Bouncer tosses orb to first guy. He jumps onto plate (we started at r2 everytime) It will move up quickly and lock into place. Right after it does toss it to R1 across the map and jump off plate. R1 grabs and does the same. Repeat until L2 has left his plate and tosses it back to bouncer. In the mean time fighting adds. Your rotation must stay at a steady pace or you die. After 60 seconds the shield will go down and you can throw the orb (whoever has it) into the flame. Whatever plate you left off at must get the next orb. Repeat 3 times for victory.
Jumping puzzle...you got this
Side note. .there is a chest on the 3rd fan shaft. There is probably a video for this but it's hard to miss.
The next encounter
Here is where strategy and communication must be a 10/10
There are 3 plates on the ground floor
We called them Fork (right side) spoon (middle) knife/sword (right side) and 4 plates behind these that light up. We called them white/orange plates. There is a buff 2 people will get randomly. The 2 with this buff are the only ones that can go up the orange space elevator which is activated by the white plates around the outside of the map. We assigned 2 people to each named (spoon etc) plate. Encounter begins when standing on plates. Call out who has buffs. These should be the only ones touching the orbs to make life easier. If someone else gets an orb right away just throw it on the ground and fight adds. This step should be done as soon as some adds are dead. When your one buffed friend calls it 4 white plates must be activated. Buff man will jump up into the orange lift. While in space call out the symbol (fork/spoon/knife) whichever one is called will be the one that will be used by the orb holder. While fighting adds orb man will run to named plate that was called. Before they do make sure the other 2 named plates have assigned personel standing on them. Doors open, Orb man jumps up on platform and charges it with greed counters. .Then throws it into the door while standing on the plate that was called. You will see the message missle charged etc. Everyone gets off plates and fights adds for awhile. Chime will sound. Buffed person must be passed the orb. Activate 4 white plates to turn the elevator on. Orb buffed man jumps to mist to charge orb. Then elevator and throws the orb at a ship. Boom. Fight adds til chime happens again. Repeat 3 times for victory. Lots going on..hope it was right and not too confusing.
Boss encounter (in progress)
I'm not going much into detail here. You are basically repeating the above steps sort of. But now the orb must be passed around to everyone quickly to remove engulfed. I recommend 3 people to each side of the map near spawn point. This time both of your buffed people will be calling out 2 symbols and going up the orange lift. Once again they will both get orbs and power them up in the steam in front of boss. They then throw the orbs with greed active at calus. He will break the bosses shield. DPS af. And repeat. .This is a rough guide on this part and might be missing some stuff. Good luck
TLDR: It's a guide basically so there isn't a short description lol
Feel free to add corrections and tips below.