You have no closed doors except for the ones to the outside. Not even the bathroom door.
Naps in the middle of the day are the warmest and cuddliest experiences in the world. Sleep at night on the other hand, is nonexistent.
You just get out of the shower and you already have cat hair on you, like seriously it just appears out of nowhere.
You buy these expensive cat towers for them to play on, but they never climb on it and just play in the box it came in.
You can meow at the perfect pitch to mimic a cat, just so you can pretend to have conversations with them.
[quote]You have no closed doors except for the ones to the outside. Not even the bathroom door.[/quote]We keep some doors closed, most notably the bathrooms (cats + toilets = bad combo), computer room (cats + wiring = bad combo) and bed room (cat hair on wife's pillow + her allergies = bad combo)... I let them sleep on the bed when she's out if town though, hehehe. [quote]Naps in the middle of the day are the warmest and cuddliest experiences in the world. Sleep at night on the other hand, is nonexistent.[/quote] Wait until they're older and play with them before bed. They'll keep quiet... or maybe we just have really well behaved cats. [quote]You just get out of the shower and you already have cat hair on you, like seriously it just appears out of nowhere.[/quote]This. So much this. [quote]You buy these expensive cat towers for them to play on, but they never climb on it and just play in the box it came in.[/quote]Pshaw, [url=]I built my own Cat-Castle.[/url] Way cheaper and way more fun for both me and them. [quote]You can meow at the perfect pitch to mimic a cat, just so you can pretend to have conversations with them.[/quote]My cats can tell I'm faking it, so now I just go to YouTube and look up "cats meowing". Really f***s with their heads. Also, you forgot to add how all the pictures on your phone suddenly become cat pics. I don't know when or how that happened.