You have no closed doors except for the ones to the outside. Not even the bathroom door.
Naps in the middle of the day are the warmest and cuddliest experiences in the world. Sleep at night on the other hand, is nonexistent.
You just get out of the shower and you already have cat hair on you, like seriously it just appears out of nowhere.
You buy these expensive cat towers for them to play on, but they never climb on it and just play in the box it came in.
You can meow at the perfect pitch to mimic a cat, just so you can pretend to have conversations with them.
Edited by Peaches Pan Tao: 5/14/2018 1:21:03 PMHere I'm China lots of stray cats live outside the dorms. The other day I saw the asshole grounds keepers catch one in a big fishing net, smirking as it dangled from the obviously thin and painful neting. Thought of my cat back home. It just had a vacant, terrified expression as it dangled there while they prepared to hual it off to God knows where. I know its a different culture, and that they look at them more as pests, but they could excersize more humane treatment, if you have to remove it at least don't be happy about it. But that's my culture. We don't bat an eye at the horrific conditions many of our farm animals live in, and at least in China the younger generation is becoming more sensitive. Some students actually feed the cats...