It really sucks as i cannot complete all the weekly milestones. I've been stuck at 345 since 2nd day of launch and see no way outta that 345 hole. #forever 345
Ok, as a solo player myself, I have some questions for you. Did you got to 345(with mods) before opening your powerful engrams? Do you have more than one character? Are you doing all soloable milestones? I'm asking because i have 2 characters at 355 and one at 354 by doing all milestone that gives powerful engrams(aside from the nightfall and raid ones) and would like to help you.
No i didnt...i was able to get to about 337 and got fed up and opened em on my titan. I have been doing the memory caches and sleeper nodes so just barely stated on my second toon.
Oh man, that explains a lot. The ideal scenario would have been if you reached that 345 light before opening the powerful engrams. Anyways, from now on the key is to make sure you are the highest level possible before you open your powerful engrams. Open them one at a time. Open one, infuse into gear/weapons that already have mods. Rinse and repeat. Once you have finish opening the powerful engrams for that character, log into your next character and transfer your highest weapons to it. Repeat the same process. After you're done with the powerful engrams on all your characters, manage gear between your character to balance them out. Coming next reset, make sure you start doing your weekly milestones with your highest level character first, that way when you "do the process" on your second toon it will end up even higher than your previous highest character.
345 is the soft cap so unless you get powerful engrams or run raids you will not be increasing until weekly reset
Well last week we didn't know the clan xp engram was bugged
Yeah I turned in a few of those too before finding out it was bugged