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5/17/2018 2:20:31 PM
In D1, you could achieve max light through the Iron Banner, as a solo player. The IB armor didn't have raid perks, but it made you strong enough to take on end game content. In D1, you could actually complete the Nightfall as a solo player and get good rewards. There was never a reason not to have matchmaking in the NF. It is just a strike with modifiers and increased difficulty. Proof of that is the fact that back in the day, there was an activity called the Weekly Heroic Strike. It's where you got your strange coins for Xur. Some weeks it was harder than the NF, and it had matchmaking. Then Bungie implemented the timer to further punish solo players. Bungie forces players to engage other players, not because that is how they designed the game, but because they believe that if you form relationships in the game, you are more likely to keep playing, even when the game is a steaming pile of sh*t.

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  • Kinda stupid if ya ask me

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  • You can still get to max light doing Iron Banner. In fact you can get to max light without EVER having played with another player.

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  • Banners dropping max light items? Didnt see that anywhere, do you have a link to that statement

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  • Yes, but the OP was implying that the ability to reach max light as a solo player was changed in D2. It wasn't.

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  • While I agree with the lower end of your comment, I gotta ask; if you’re not doing raids, what do you need max light for? If you’re gonna solo nightfalls, you can get high enough light for that without ever playing with other people. You only need max light for raids, and if you’re solo you don’t do raids. So what’s your gripe?

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  • Here we go again with the " you only need max for raids" bs You do realize that the raids are usually done the first time without max level right? You usually get max after the raid You dont NEED max to do the raids, or any activity in this game, beyond content gating

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  • Then why would solo players need to get max light. Raiders get it to make raids easier. Solo players have no reason to need or even [i]want[/i] max light. So what’s the problem? They can’t get max light, which they have no reason to desire. There’s no problem there.

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  • For the same reason as anyone else, there is no need, anything can be done under max. Thats a fallacious argument trying toprop up a weak point. The same way raiders, as you say, do it to make content easier, applies to everyone playing...not just raiders.

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  • Only the raid is difficult enough to warrant being over-leveled. Everything else, being over-leveled is overkill and unnecessary. So...only raiders need max light. Anybody else is only doing it for show. Which is not a good enough reason for Bungie to spend time and resources on making avenues for solo players to reach that max light.

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  • Please.....pick another excuse...anything but that one. The raid is only difficult the first one or two times its done, after that beyond content gating, it dosent matter what level you go in. Nothing changes its the same a.i enemy that follows a pre programmed path. That elitist mindset is one of the reasons the game is in the state its in Ill ask you a question whats harder overall...the raid or trials?

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  • Trials, obviously. But trials gives you max light, and light doesn’t effect you in trials. So you don’t need max light for that either. If you’re not doing raids, you don’t need max light. So don’t complain that there isn’t a way for you to get max light

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  • But my point is, since trials is arguably the hardest content in game using your logic why is max not reserved for trials Thats the issue here all of this can be justified 100 diffrent ways by 100 diffrent people for something they are in favor of, why focus on restricting other players instead of promoting player choice and freedom to play however you like, especially when what others are asking for has no impact on how you play beyond a personal feeling level

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  • I agree light should impact trials. That’s how it was in D1 and it was amazing. But to answer your question; I care about wether or not Bungie adds that extra stuff because it takes away from features etc. that I could’ve enjoyed. That’s why I care.

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  • How do you know it takes away from anything, thats a personal feeling, not a known fact. And what you said was the raid is the only thing difficult enough to warrant max light. But you just admitted that arguably trials is harder, so how then is the raid the only thing difficult enough for max. Your own words prove the assertion is untrue, nothing in this game REQUIRES or NEEDS max light, not even EP because people have cleared that in the 360s its an elitist mindset that is/ has driven some of the worst decisions in this game At some point it has to stop

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  • you have my respect guardian.

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  • Why is there no matchmaking for endgame content? If you exclusively use a fireteam of friends, or LFG, how exactly would matchmaking for raids or Trials affect you? Make it an option for the people who prefer to use it. If they fail miserably, they fail miserably. But at least they were allowed to play the game the way they wanted.

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  • I’d rather Bungie didn’t waste time and resources on a feature that’s already been perfected by the community and is already widely available and easy to use. That’s content and features taken away from me. That’s why I care.

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  • You realize that they have wasted an entire year's worth of time and resources, in an already limited life cycle, trying to put the game back to the way it was in D1? Do you think an emote wheel is a better use of time and resources, in the players' best interests? Do you think Eververse is a better use of time and resources, in the players' best interests? I don't consider it a waste of time and resources to facilitate access to content that players paid for.

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  • While I agree Bungie should be using resources more wisely; adding your mm isn’t a necessity either. It’s useless in the light of LFG/forums. And yes, players already have access to all the content they paid for. It isn’t hard to find a team to raid with, takes 5 min max to find 6 people. Besides that fact, when you bought Destiny you bought it knowing the fact that some activities (like raids) would only be do-able if you could get 5 other players. You agreed to that term, so why’re you bitching about it now? You knew what you were getting into. Take responsibility. Either accept you got what you have, or take some initiative and use LFG/forums to access the other content.

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  • I never complained that I needed to do a raid with 5 other people. I'm complaining that Bungie creates a game that requires team building, but doesn't provide a method for team building. And if you decide to respond with Guided Games, then there goes your "5 min max to find 5 other players". It can't really be this difficult for you to understand.

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  • you cant bring NEED into an arguement about video games. nobody NEEDS anything from a game its about what you would like... i can turn it around .. why do you care if anyone else is max light regardless if they raid or not. how does it affect you ?

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  • I don’t. I’m just trying to understand what you want. If I’m avoiding the word “need” then doing the raid is the only thing that [i]requires[/i] max light. So if you’re solo and you’re not doing raids, then you don’t [i]require[/i] max light. So why would you [i]require[/i] activities or avenues to get max light as a solo player?

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  • I agree for the most part about the max light in correlation to raids, but the reason behind wanting ML as a solo player is simple--progress. It gives you something to do, something to build your play choices around, something to work for (aka the simplistic beauty of "the grind").

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  • I hear what you’re saying; but achieving max light is a useless grind if you’re not gonna use it. I guess saying it gives you something to do is fair. But you’re still totally capable of getting it WITHOUT matchmaking. You can use the forums/LFG. Which I highly recommend. I met all of my best online friends there

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  • I feel ya. One thing you have to keep in mind though is "useless" is a very relative adjective. It may seem useless, but sometimes ownership is the only use it has--and that's ok. I may never race on a rally course, but having a fully built STI equipped and ready to do so at any moment is a fun progression. The time and energy put into the build is a reward in its own.

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