Its so utterly easy to build a network of friends to play this game with. I can't imagine why you would not do that?
Do you know how boring it is to play Chess or Monopoly by yourself?
Yupp but my whole can quit d2 so now what?
make new friends. Like you would if you moved to a new school or got a new job.
My problem is 2 networks of people i had built up gave up, Destiny 1 I had built up a group of 12 or so. Then they all quit. Destiny 2 found a new clan with about 20, but now they all quit. Easy snarky answer is: quit your bitching and play a different game. Which I kinda am now. BUT that being said it was easier to log in for an hour or 2 a day and feel like I made progress towarda something. That has dimished, thats my only issue. My pool of friends has dried up with this game, but I still enjoy playing.
Edited by cc99999: 5/17/2018 10:33:42 PMI don't have long term commitment issues when people stop playing and I can play with people every day I log on. I don't have a clan on discord. I don't have a regular team. I play with probably 15-20 different people regularly. It's really not that hard to do. Be a person people like to play with and they will invite you back. Case in point, I LFGed prestige this week and got this one really great guy on the team, who was very chill and very confident that the team would pull through. I sent a friend invite to him and hopefully we play again. That's how it works. You have all of the tools to succeed, open your mind to the possibilities.
so utterly easy to get a lot of abuse over voice or chat in this game. i cant imagine how anyone finds being sworn at for not being a pro player level fun. do you know how unfun and little you want to play or add friends in any kind of mp game when a lot of the playerbase are asshats?
Although I would agree that setting up a group of people to play with may not be difficult, some people just prefer to game solo. Chess or monopoly is specifically designed for multiple players. Destiny is a hybrid of solo/cooperative play. Has been since inception. Apples to Oranges.
there is plenty of solo-play destiny to do. So enjoy that and stop being bitter about the people, who play in fireteams. Is that so hard?
I am not bitter. I play both solo and in fireteams. I just agree that a path to endgame for solo players is needed.
Not really
I think you are missing his point. It's not that it's hard to play with others. However, not every player enjoys having to do that. Some people like to just log on shoot some shit and make some progress. Destiny 2 has pretty much cut out anything meaningful for solo players to grind for. Even maxing out your Valor rank yields crap.