Destiny used to be that way though. Hit reset day hard and you were left with little to do throughout the week. There’s no rush to hit max light if the activities you aren’t interested in doing are the only ones that require it. I say play as long as you enjoy it and jump in and out through the week. Never know, and exotic or a catalyst might drop and make the hour or two spent worthwhile.
Glad you brought up catalysts, that's actually where my attention has shifted. I'm still running heroics frequently across all three of my characters purely because the prospect of a catalyst drop is exciting even if exotics aren't any longer. And don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying myself... I just think shifting focus so heavily towards raiding as the only real source of progression was a bit of a mistake considering the current state of matchmaking. They could have leveraged the new Escalation Protocol a bit better by adding reward crates at the end of each wave... it's not that I'm in any rush to hit the cap, it's more that I dislike feeling as if milestones are my only real avenue and that wasn't the case prior to the warmind changes.
Got ya. There should be a crate after every wave IMO. Heroic strikes are actually fun now. Raiding is not though. Just don’t have the time to set aside hours on a computer game. Mrs would have my balls!