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5/17/2018 7:04:38 PM
I'm right there with you. I used to love this game. I was never a crucible player in D1 simply because the design seemed illogical and poorly designed. First couple times I played I found myself up against guys who had light levels faaaar exceeding mine with weapons that outranked mine. I've been a gamer since I was a kid and this PvP approach didn't seem right to me. However, once D2 came I decided to give it another try. It was fun for the first couple months which I believe is because most of us didn't know, as of yet, how strongly the developers made crucible aimed towards team combat ONLY. After a couple months I left D2 and played Dark Souls and Elder Scrolls. Then COO expansion came out and I played that, got through the story (disappointed), and gave PvP another try--it was the same ish' as always (aka garbage) so I left again. Now I'm back for WM and saw the crucible changes they made and was excited. The mentions of comparable gameplay to Halo really got me pumped. I LOVED the no radar no shield pistol only PvP in Halo 5! It was challenging and fun, but most importantly, COMPETATIVE! I played solo and progressed in rank and skill every time I played. With D2 though, I'm not having fun. I'm down for the no radar, but it feels broken and I feel like I'm being trolled when I play competitive PvP which is simply not fun. The biggest problem I'm noticing with the ranking system is the W/L algorithm has zero usage of total kills, assists, revives, arms, etc.... in its calculation. Therefore, if I'm playing with three other guys who go in, guns blazin, and eat all of our lives and I don't die once, kill all enemies at least once, and revive my teammates, the match loss results in the same negative impact to my glory rank as if I had zero kills, no revives, and spun my character around in circles the whole match. Overall, I'm done with D2 again. The game is crap and was the biggest waste of money.

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