originally posted in:Clan Finder
Very active 360 warlock on Xbox one looking for a clan that is very active and raids, does NF, trials, everything. Every clan I join ends up just being as inactive as the one before. Just want a clan with a chill solid group of active people. Send me a msg over console: HomicidalLoser
Can I join light level 351 hunter.
Indomitus promotes a fun and team oriented atmosphere that values quality members over quantity. We are looking for casual players to do nightfall, strikes, crucibles, trials, and raids. [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2695367[/url] Requirements - Must be a mature adult. - Must be active: Preferably at least 2-3 days a week. - Looking for motivated and dedicated players with a long-term mindset. If you have any questions or interested in joining please reply.
Hi! Bulletheads [BTHD] is recruiting @ https://www.bulletheads.org We’re a friendly group with over 550 members! Discord connects our clans together. Our seventh clan, Team GOLF, is brand new and accepting new members: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3103863
Are you an adult? So I dont do over console messages - makes things difficult. But I would ne down to discuss my clan with you - we are active, but a very tight community and pride ourselves in that. So I would be curious to hear what is "very active" to you before moving forward Feel free to message me here on Bungie to discuss more :)