originally posted in:Clan Finder
Hey there,
I'm looking to join a clan that does regular raids and escalation protocols. I'd love to do both at least once a week, if possible.
I'm West cost USA, so PST timezone. And can be on consistently through the week ~6pm, and am pretty free on the weekends.
I am a mature player, who is very even tempered, and not one to give up, (won't have to worry about me being the one who leaves mid raid, unless the house is on fire or something)
As far as raid experience I've been through the Leviathan once, but my group fell apart at Calus, and we never finished it.
For gearing I'm currently at 347, and working hard to crawl my way up.
On discord I'm "MacGeiger (Geigercounters)#9088" Sorry it's so long, lets just say there's a reason for the extra bit.
In game I'm MacGeiger
On Battle.net MacGeiger#1205
I'd love to hear about what your clan offers, so please let me know. :)
Looking to expand my Clan and turn it into a PC Clan. Be sure to watch the video in the heading. Geared for filthy casuals with a filthy mouth. I am 36 and work full time and also go to grad school full time. Just looking for like minded people who still love the game. Currently have over 70 console players, but will be removing those who are inactive to make room for more PC players. Yeah, the name isn't original. There's not a lot of active pc players at the moment, but this will change as I continue recruiting efforts. Join us here. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1445995 I have a personal discord, but can convert it as necessary for clan chat.