Just like there's a speaker for the traveler these forums need a speaker. We need to organize an election with campaigns and everything. It's time for us to elect someone to represent our voice. Who's with me!
Firstly this is the place to nominate someone or announce your canadicy. Then we need to decide on a voting method and election day. So who's up for being the official forum speaker?
[spoiler]I'd be shocked if this actually happened.[/spoiler]
You'll never get even close to a fair vote. Most of the 'popular' voices here are highly toxic and/or unhelpful. Some of us try to run the middle and actually provide constructive feedback and criticisms to Bungie. Still others blindly defend everything the studio does, or just badmouth the haters. Just look at the responses to the summit invitees. Plenty of people were happy with different 'voices of the ____ community" being there. But other steadfastly said "those people don't speak for me." There is NO ONE on this forum who could possibly speak for everyone.