originally posted in:Clan Finder
The clan I just left has 3 players active, including myself, at any given time. I main a titan at 350( have over 37k kills as a sunbreaker) ,a warlock at 347 and a Hunter I'm currently working on progressing through DLC 1 and then DLC 2 at 349, I've never raided do mostly heroic strikes and crucible events like quick play and Iron Banner. I play this game daily, would like to join an active adult clan to show me the ropes of raiding and in turn be an active member willing toboggan help with whatever is needed.
PSN is Sonakira81
----------------------------------------------------------- (PS4) Hi, Lost In The Shadows (PS4) - LISP Is now recruiting for new active members Requirements: being respectful, no raging, and having fun! We just removed a number of inactive members, who haven't played in months and are looking to bring in new active members. Especially, some new members to help run some raids and trials. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2936670 You can ask for an invite, via our clan page (link above) or reply here, or message me-> [b]Georog[/b] directly. Have Fun, Guardians! --------------------------------------------------------
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=590706] Xbox Only Destiny’s Lords [/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=2965995] PSN Only Destiny’s Lords II [/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=2988986] Xbox Only Destiny’s Lords III [/url] [url=https://discord.gg/eyjrmvq] Discord Link [/url] The mission of this clan is to create a family like bond between its members. The qualities needed to join the DESTINY'S LORDS, DESTINY’S LORDS II and DESTINYS LORDS III are; OVER 18, respectful, loyal, friendly, helpful, social, active and fun-loving people. In return, we pledge to be a fun, friendly and helpful group. CODE OF CONDUCT 1.No Drama/Zero Tolerance – Personal attacks, harassment, or violations of privacy. Disrespect for any reason: race, creed, gender, orientation, or disability, raging out, rage quitting, improper or racist behavior. 2. Profanity – Language while in a fireteam it’s up to that team… but, if a team member asks you not to use profanity please be respectful of their wishes. However, PROFANITY is strictly prohibited in the open forums. Repeat offenders will be removed for our community. 3. Loyalty – We rely on the loyalty of our community to get things done, If you can’t find the experience needed to complete what you want to get done…start a training team. It will benefit everyone in the community. Please only use non-members as a last result. 4. One Team One Goal – To keep your spot in the clan you MUST be active on discord and involved with contributing to the community/ helping each other out. If you’re more concerned for yourself then this is not the community for you. 5. Be Patient- We know everyone wants to get the RAID done, we are working hard to train others so please be patient and not spam the Raid teams for invites. 6. Be Help- We have members of all different skill levels so the more we teach, the stronger our community becomes, the easier it will be to find help when needed. 7. Have Fun – Ultimately, we’re all here to have fun. If you have any suggestions or ideas of what we can do better feel free to contact any ADMIN or KamiKazeKill 1. We ask…, we don’t demand members to: 1. RECRUIT DAILY - Only way to find good People 2. SHARE KNOWLEDGE - It strengthens the clan 3. LVL UP MEMBERS - It ensures a good player base 4. ATTEND CLAN DAYS - Meet and Make Friends 5. [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCorPvnuHtbWXPKrO6LcfyEg] SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CLAN CHANNEL [/url] Weekly Clan Itinerary: Mon: Open / Farming Tues: Crucible, Raids and Nightfall Wed: Open / Farming Thurs: Nightfall Fri: Crucible and Trials Sat: Raids and Nightfall all day Sun: Clan Day 10 a.m. EST Raids and Trials