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5/21/2018 8:05:38 PM

Funny crucible e̶x̶p̶e̶r̶i̶e̶n̶c̶e joke

Hello o/ I've always been fond of crucible since I discovered it in Destiny (1). Even now in Destiny 2 through all the flaws I still find crucible often fun and satisfying, whenever I pop off obviously. Recently I found Lord Shaxx was selling a sub-machine gun, Imminent Storm, among the glory rewards. Since I thought the perks/rolls on the weapon would be quite favourable in pvp I decided to rank up some glory in competitive crucible. I shouldn't have done that. [b]Playing competitive is truly exhausting, frustrating, and simply not fun.[/b] The ultimate sensation of seeing my team go 0 to 6 or 4 (depending on gamemode) had me flex my fist in mild anger, which would only get worse when I opened up the roster panel and see a premade 4-man. Not to forget they, of course, all used the same "meta" weapons. [i]I prefer to call them boring overused or unfair however.[/i] Variety is either absent or smashed into the ground. Naturally there's always a reason why one team would lose other than going up against a premade squad; headless chickens. I see too many teammates go balls deep into a stack of enemies, instantly dying and unnecessarily eating up revives. This made me wonder about the glory ranking system, which is actually obsolete! It's literally a number getting bounced up and down based on how (un)lucky someone can or can't get. How do I know? Because the players I encounter aren't on the same skill-level looking at results and play styles and have different glory-rank required equipment. The two competitive gamemodes are interesting and have potential, but of the 22 games I played 14 survival matches (9W/5L), of which I played seven in a row to start off my torture, and 8 countdown (4W/4L). After my six hour competitive playlist session I can confidently say my motivation for playing pvp vanished, the hairs on my head got decreased by 30, my desk got fist-sized hole gifted, and my hope for a fun, chaotic, varied, aggressive and dynamic crucible crushed. So all in all I'd say competitive is one-sided, boring, frustrating, stiff, timewasting, unsatisfying and [i]again [/i]simply not fun. Of course there are more problems I came across in my depressive six hour dark hole of the day, but that's more related to crucible as a whole, rather than competitive solely. But hey, at least I have my sub-machine gun. Right?

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