originally posted in:Clan Finder
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I dont really raid at all, but im on alot, want perks, and alot of people to talk to.
Bonus if you got a discord
Hello! I manage a five clan PS4 discord alliance. We do this to ensure a solid player base - we are one big family. Our family consists of the following clans: Exiles of Anubis, Vex on the Beech, Szuicide Squad, Ruthlessly Chivalrous, and Death Denied. We run daily raids. We as a team get all engrams for all clans. Discord is exclusively by invitation. We don't allow just anyone to join; and participation there is our only standing requirement. PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING -Active player? Not just active but contributing to clan activity! -Agree to run with your clan primarily. -Agree to answer the call for assistance from the alliance when possible (join up on raids, nightfall, PVP (depending on what activity is your forte) -Joke! Have fun but be respectful -Agree to be in the clan discord to team up -16 years old is the minimum age If you’re good with all of these let me know so I️ can shoot you an invite. Clan uses discord only to group up. Regular game party chat used during game play. If interested, please reply. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3103585 Cheers, Buc Sidenote - the fellow with an almost identical post plagiarized my alliance. FWIW.