originally posted in:Clan Finder
I have All 3 Classes with average of 340 Light
My strongest is My hunter, then Warlock and still learning my Titan as I created him yesterday.
I am not the best Destiny player but I am willing to learn and improve my PvP as my PvE is alright. I am down for anything at anytime as long as I am free. I live in UAE and am an expatriate from Zimbabwe (Just FYI)
So I am looking for a chilled and friendly clan from anywhere in the world to make new friends and have a ton of laughs.
More into my character. I hate losing as much as the next guy but I'm extremely patient and laugh in the face of defeat, rally up and try again. I don't believe in booting players from a fireteam for screw ups. The player is trying their best and wants to learn, I would rather help.
Also, if you like Game Of Thrones, Vikings, Archer, Rick and Morty, Venture Bros, Brooklyn 99, The Walking dead, Westorld, CinemaSins, Honest Trailers, HISHE, Anime and ALL types of Movies. Then we would definitely get along..
(18+)(N/A) R3sistance Gaming is expanding into a community and we are looking to expand our team for Destiny, we are a long time group of friends who just enjoy playing games and having fun. Feel free to check us out & add me in PsN: Caged2920