I'm awfully nervous for the September update. I'm hearing murmurs of season pass holders having to buy the content? Maybe this has been clearly stated somewhere in the past, but I'm not finding that info. If this is the case I have to drop destiny dead.
Is there another tripleA that has a practice like that? Offering a season pass and major updates that are separate from said season pass?
Destiny 2 current state wont make it to september. Bungie has hurt the Good Will of the community and done nothing to gain it back, and gone even further to distance themselves from that good will by locking a dumb emote behind a $10 paywall.. that is MORE than HALF the cost of both recent DLC... that is rightly absurd. i for one will not be purchasing the fall DLC unless i SEE MAJOR.... and i mean MAJOR changes implemented. There are Far too more rewarding and enjoyable games to be played, than to continue to punish myself with Destiny 2s unrewarding end game grind. Peace out Bungie you are missed, because what you are now is not the bungie that created Halo and halo 2.. Rip such a once Amazing Developer.