Miracles Exist! was created by a group of experienced and competitive gamers who are interested in every aspect of Destiny 2. We are a tight-knit community and are extremely active. If you are joining for PVE, we have people who will help you with milestones, quests, and teach you the raids.
[u][b]What our community enjoys doing:[/b][/u]
- Regular raids; drunk raids;
- Prestige nightfall pushing
- Milestones
- Trials and crucible
- Bullshitting in Discord chat
1. Discord presence + working microphone
2. Play with the clan
3. Mature, easy-going, and tilt-free
**[u][b]HOW TO JOIN [/b][/u] (We will only accept your request if you have done the following)**
-- [b]1.[/b] Please [u]upvote [/u]this thread
---- [b]2. [/b]Make a comment with your Battletag
------ [b]3.[/b] Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/jjhRB36
-------- [b]4.[/b] Send us a join request here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2774939
Clan Raids - Week of May 29
[b][------------------------[Normal Leviathan]------------------------][/b]
Raid #1 – [Norm Leviathan] Tues, May 29 at [7pm EST/4pm PST/12am BST]
Roster: [Neobushido] [Anubis] [AuraSonic] [Robot375] [jj573] [Urazz] [croderpanda]
Roster 2: [nicko] [Roberto] [FoxxyDingo] [MrGizmo] [Silent] [tigre]
Raid #2 - [Norm Leviathan] Wed, May 30 at [10pm EST/7pm PST/3am BST]
Roster: [KillDill] [kappuccinoo] [jj573] [CurryRamen] [CroDerPanda] [FuzzyNinja]
Backups/Roster 2: [Tigre] [Roberto] [Silent] [Deadguy] [RevRunNorris] [Deadlights]
Raid #3 – [DRUNK RAID] Sat, Jun 2 at [10pm EST/7pm PST/3am BST]
Prerequisites: Legal drinking age in your state/province. Alcohol/marijuana
Sign ups: [JayGo] [klo] [Phett6] [BloodRain] [KillDill] [Deadguy] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
Backups/Maybes: [Epiliph] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
[b][------------------------[Prestige Leviathan]------------------------][/b]
Raid #4 – [Prestige Leviathan] Tues, May 29 at [10pm EST/7pm PST/3am BST]
Prerequisites: Proficiency in most Leviathan roles
Roster: [Lead: Epiliph] [KillDill] [Immortality] [Spartan020] [decaye01] [nicko]
Roster 2: [Lead: Phett6] [Queen] [Roberto] [Urazz] [FoxxyDingo] [Robot375]
Roster 3: [Lead: AuraSonic] [klo] [Jagged] [Silent] [Big Chillin] [Kappuccinoo]
Raid #5 - [Prestige Leviathan] Thurs, May 31 at [7pm EST/4pm PST/12am BST]
Roster: [Lead: JayGo] [Neobushido] [Anubis] [RevRunNorris] [CroDerPanda] [Lonjest]
Roster 2: [Lead: Immortality] [Spartan020] [Deadguy] [Queen] [Roberto] [Tigre] [AllDay]
Backups/Roster 3: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Raid #6 - [Prestige Leviathan] Fri, Jun 2 at [11pm EST/8pm PST/4am BST]
Prerequisites: Proficiency in most Leviathan roles
Roster: [CurryRamen] [FuzzyNinja] [FyreTechLiar] [Tigre] [Hellinutopia] [MrGizmo]
Backups/Roster 2: [Silent] [Deadlights] [3] [4] [5] [6]
[b][---------------[Eater of Worlds / Spire of Stars]---------------][/b]
Raid #7 - [Eater of Worlds] Wed, May 30 at [7pm EST/4pm PST/12am BST]
Roster: [Lead: Epiliph] [JayGo] [Anubis] [Zurxey] [Nicko] [Silent]
Raid #8 - [Eater of Worlds] Thur, May 31 at [10pm EST/7pm PST/3am BST]
Roster: [Lead: AuraSonic] [KillDill] [Kappuccinoo] [CurryRamen] [Croder] [^itshme]
Roster 2: [Roberto] [Decaye] [Lonjest] [DeadLights] [Drixx] [Big Chillin] [Deadguy] [Tearz] [Silent]
Backups/Roster 3: [Deadlights] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Raid #9 – [Spire of Stars] Fri, Jun 1 at [8pm EST/5pm PST/1am BST]
Prerequisites: PL 375+. Some Leviathan experience. High-end heavy weapon
Roster: [JayGo] [Phett6] [Nicko] [Anubis] [^Jagged] [^Zurxey]
Roster 2: [Klo] [Queen] [Spartan020] [c4] [^RevRunNorris] [^Decaye]
Backups: [^Silent] [^MrGizmo] [Bloodrain]
Raid #10 – [Spire of Stars] Sun, Jun 3 at [10pm EST/7pm PST/3am BST]
Prerequisites: PL 375+. Some Leviathan experience. High-end heavy weapon
Roster: [Lead: klo] [Epiliph] [Queen] [KillDill] [Fuzzyninja] [^FyreTech]
Backups/Roster 2: [c4] [AuraSonic] [tigre] [Spartan020] [^roberto] [Voshy] [6]
GrayFox#21282 I would like to join pls!