Episode 2: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/246012391/0/0
>Four hours after the second bombing of Offtopic
Saitonia: Stone, call for a meeting. I have some explaining to do.
Stonebrixxx2: *Through intercom* All members of the resistance, we have a meeting. Attendance is highly recommended.
>At the meeting
Saitonia: Me and my partner, God, have alot to explain... First of all, some of you should be starting to get your memories back soon. Second of all, these sequencial bombings have been the worst yet, not to mention that the supergiant,Deej, is still roaming around, but it seems we might have found something even more deadly than him.
Nokic: That’s not possible, hes the almighty being.
God: No, this is something we have created. They now have control of it *roughly coughs*. It’s called dyavol’s monster. Not to mention all the superweapons they still have *coughs*.
Døøb: So... These destiny popsicles. Who actually are they.
God: They are elites. They are the privilaged favorites of bungie themselves. They spread like an actual virus, infecting propaganda and taking in resources from Offtopic and Gaming’s territory, so they can make their new city of Destiny 2. The destroyer every other city, even the original city of Destiny. We are still looking for survivors. *coughs*.
Drbeastboss: So how much time do we have before they release dyavol’s monster on us.
God: Not long *uncontrollable coughing*. Meeting dismissed.
(Crowd): *Loud chattering and confusion*.
God: Saitonia, Stone, and Beast... Come with me.
>At the balcony
God: *Puts flashdrive into laptop* This is what you guys are up against....
*Laptop shows security tape of dyavol’s monster breaking out of restraints, killing the researchers and scientists and anyone who gets in it’s way*
Drbeastboss: It’s hideous!
God: *Coughs* You and it have more in common than you may think.
Drbeastbosa: I don’t understand.
God: You will get it eventually. You aren’t like the others. There are highly confidencial records of you, not ever Prof. Saitonia is able to see. As for you Stone, you will probably be one of the first to get your memories back. You will learn alot, and some of it may not be pleasant. You helped us make this very simulation, along with Slade and a few others. *Coughs*
Saitonia: God, are you ok? You have been coughing alot lately and you haven’t been sleeping much.
God: Alot of things get hard when you have been around as long as the new world of bungie has been... But, I have never been this low in quite awhile. I fear I may not have much time left. *Coughs even more*. Can you two leave for a second? I need to speak to the kid alone.
*Stone and Saitonia leave*
God: My child, there is still so much more to learn. You are not like the others, you just haven’t realized it yet. Your power will some day overcome mine.
Drbeastboss: Oh please...
God: Im serious *cough*. You are a part of me.
Drbeastboss: Mother... She’s gone isn’t she.
God: Im sorry that was the first memory I gave you. I just don’t want you to hurt when you find out by surprise.
Drbeastboss: Than how do I know that you are my father. You never gave me that memory. The whole time I was in the simulation I thought my father was Bonny...
God: That sim was nothing more than a roleplay to test the greatest of warriors. There are some things you don’t need memories for to know, to feel...
Drbeastboss: I can feel it now, father... You don’t have much time left.
God: My son, no matter how much you want your memory back, you still must finish the job. *Coughs*. My son... Even I cannot outrun time.
Drbeastboss: Yes, you can.
God: No... *Cough*
Drbeastboss: (Angry and frustrated) Yes you can!
God: My son... I still have so much to tell you... There is so much for you to know...
Drbeastboss: ...
*God slowly turns into a fading blue phantom of light, dissolving in light*
>In the deep subconcious of Beast’s memory
Drbeastboss: No... Help!
*A simulation zombie bites his ankle*
Drbeastboss: No this is just a dream! This is supposed to be a memory! Why is it from the simulation!
*The zombie digs it’s teeth deeper into his ankle*
Drbeastboss: My leg!!!
*Wakes up*
Saitonia: Beast. You fell asleep.
Drbeastboss: Hes gone...
Stonebrixxx2: We know...
Saitonia: Come on bud, get some sleep. You just knocked out on the floor, you need some rest.
Drbeastboss: Ok.
*Drbeastboss comes to a realization that makes his stomach turn and anxiety levels heighten. He touches his ankle, looks at his hand. He’s bleeding.*
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