I'm looking for a clan that games together and all around just has fun. I'm a night owl cause of my job working at night so I'm usually on late night to early morning hours.
Our core values are to make the clan a place that all gaurdians can call home, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, religious beliefs or skill level. It's a place where we can all come together and help one another improve our skills and have a great time making new friends while we do it. We are all adults with jobs and many of us with families and young kids, therefore we understand life sometimes gets in the way, got a crying kid in the middle of the nightfall? No problem we'll wait for you. Need to step away in the middle of a crucible match cos your other half needs you for something? It's all good. We don't care what your KD is we don't care how many raid completions you have all we care about is that we all have fun playing the game All we ask is that you be 18 or over, are prepared to download and join our band (it's free and no personal info is needed) and most importantly you aren't a massive bell end. So if your looking for a relaxed friendly bunch of Guardians to fight the darkness with And wreck some noobs in the Crucible then why not give us a try https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1630094